Sometimes I wonder what my friendship means to other people. How they view our particular friendship verses their other ones. I only wonder this because it always feels as though I'm not very important in my little group of friends. They get by just fine without me, and it feels as though the only reason the keep me around is...? Well I'm really not sure why they keep me around. Certainly I'm only invited along when it's convenient for them and were I to actually host an event, nobody comes though I'm always told by a sizable amount of people that they will be there. I'm not saying I want to be in the spotlight constantly, or even that it should be all about me (because that's just stupid) but it would be wonderful if, once in a while, my friends would actually give a damn about me in any way. I suppose it could be a sign that it's time to move on from this group as they obviously do not want me to be any large part of it. They were the only thing keeping me here and without them, well I guess it's time for me to move on. Perhaps a change of city, state or even country is in order. I will go on and make friends who actually want to be my friend. Such an interesting concept friendship.