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Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
Name :: Aiza Erins
Age :: 17
Gender :: female
Sexuality :: Bisexual
Occupation :: Average high school student
Appearance :: Aiza
Bio :: Aiza hates the world. Not in an emo pansy 'i wish i would die' kind of way. More like an angry, hateful, 'i hope all of YOU die' sort of way. This is odd because, frankly, nothing in her life has ever happened to make her this way. She has a perfectly normal family, her parent's didn't even divorce. Aside from the grandfather she barely knew, no one died in any tragic accidents, and she did well in school. So why does she hate everything? No one knows. Not even she does.

But Aiza is a kind of 'go with the flow' person. he says that whatever is simply, is. There's no use in asking why. So she whole heartedly accepts the fact that she hates everyone, and goes on about her life, hating it all.
Other :: Aiza is a very good Go player.
Played by :: Karime Blackwing