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roxaslover135 a storie!
Chapter 1 part 4

And that’s how I met Angel, my mother, and my best friend. One day after I had come home from school all beaten up she said “Violetta, I’m going to take you to a psychiatrist, his name is Geoff and he’s around your age.” “Fine.” I said grudgingly. That’s how I met Geoff, and he became my second best friend. But of course all happy stories have to come to an end, and the end of my happy story came with the news of Angel’s first date. Now this really wasn’t her first date, but it was the first one in a while. His name was Roy and let’s face it…he was gorgeous, but something in my head told me not to trust him. So I interacted with Roy the least I could, until finally he stopped trying to make me part of his and Angel’s activities. And so, as Angel and Roy grew closer, Angel and I grew apart, and then one day she told me she was leaving. It was my nineteenth birthday and she just dropped the bomb. “Roy and I are getting married!” she said excitedly. “What!” I practically spit out my fruit loops. “Angel, you can’t possibly be serious, you guys haven’t been dating for that long!” “Violetta we’ve been dating for two years.” She said sympathetically. “When did this happed!” I shouted. “Vi…”oh no here comes the bad news I thought, she never called me Vi…ever. There was one time though, now that I think about it. It was about two weeks after I started living with her when the cat she had got me died. “What.” I said, tears forming in my eyes. “Roy and I are moving.”