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View User's Journal

Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
User Image

Played By 19
Gender Female
Class B-Class Demon
Powers power to blow your mind!!!
Sexuality bisexual
Biotext text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text text text text text text text story of my life text text
Mate/Crush Ryuk!
Other ******** Yea I wanna be a god! >D

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name - (first and last. Please do not use Ba'al in your name. Also, your oc may NOT be a member of the royal family. All of them are pre-mades that you may apply for.)
Played by - (your Username)
Class - (see intro post. choose one of the classes and stick to it!!)
Gender - (dur)
Powers - (please, PLEASE! Make your level of power equal to your class! I don't want vagues shooting giant fireballs and s**t, got it!?)
Sexuality - (gay, straight, bi, etc. This is hell, be as bad as you want.)
Bio - (if you are a vague, what did you do in life to get thrown into hell? Are you a B-class who used to be human? Are you a powerful A-Class, a death angel? How did you get to that rank? Give me at LEAST two solid paragraphs!)
Mate/crush - (hey, hellions need love too. Have you fallen in love with a human, or worse, an angel??)
Other - (whatever nonsense you wish)