If you will please answer the fallowing questions. The one with the best answers get to..... HAVE BRAGGING RIGHTS!!! (sorry, i don't have any prizes!)

1- How would you spend the afternoon if all morning you were trapped in a small washing machine? 2- When was the last time you were randomly passing someone on the street and screamed TOAST!! 3- What kind of super evil super villain would you like to see on your favorite cereal box? 4- If there are 99 bottles of bear on the wall, who in your life took the 100th bottle? 5- Does your refrigerator have any ketchup? 6- If you could give ANYTHING to your #1 enemy, what would it be? 7- Your favorite T.V. show has been canceled. What do threat do you use on the T.V. station? 8- Where is the best place to hide your favorite candy? 9- Why can't the makers of Spongebob create a consistent cartoon? 10- Who would you willingly shove into a cardboard box on it's way to Africa?
Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. -- Hunter S. Thompson
dinkydoodlebot · Fri Jun 19, 2009 @ 09:03pm · 3 Comments |