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Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
Casilda's Hat Contest
Long ago, the desert winds howled and raged, the sand and grit of a thousand roads traveled swirled about in the dry air. There, in the vortex of grit and dirt, was an evil. Ancient spirits of the dead too long unavenged merged, their emotions forming a great mass of dark energy. Rage, regret, hatred, sorrow. All of them created a giant sandstorm that swept the land. For three days and three nights, the great storm raged without letting up. It's power swept over all of the tiny villages and farms, destroying crops, choking cattle, and burying men alive in its wake. Finally, on the third day, village shamans set out against the storm, to try and tame its ferocity. The shamans magic was strong, but the unquelled emotions of the storm were too great to be so easily dispersed. And so, the shamans broke the vengeful storm spirit into three parts, and sealed each of the spirit pieces into human form. They were the three dark brothers. The first brother was full of hatred, for all humanity, and tried to destroy them all, by any means he could. The second brother was simply angry, at everything! The shamans, the villagers, the other two brothers. He didn't know what do do with his anger, and so he simply destroyed everything in his path. The third brother, however, was simply... sad. He knew the pain and suffering of all the people in the villages, and how all of them hated the three brothers for it, and he wept. One day, one of the village women decided to try and talk to the sad brother. The sad spirit fell deeply in love with the woman, and they were married, and had a son. However the other two brothers just became more and more hateful, angrier and angrier as the years passed. Slowly, the spell that kept them all human began to break. The son of the sad spirit had by then grown into a strong and brave young man. Using the power he gained from his father, he used the very emotions that drove the angry brothers against them. In their great battle