I Loved
Hi readers smile So boy friendesdont ask me why i picker this toips its just what came into my head and i thourght it would be interresting to talk about today. My mum says at my age it doesn't mean any thing it's not serious and it's not gonna last, so that's what my mum thinks. Then my dad says I am alowed to get a boy friend but if I do I'm gonna be under survalence, and my brother says he's gottta bas the 'Liam teast' (Liams his name). So yer iIm not getting a boy friend any time soon, but I'm not fussed. Now when it comes to school who you are going out with means alot(well at my school it does I think), personly I don't see the piont, but its got something to do with social status and other stuff . heres a list of stuff that is ok: *Sexy Good hair Smells good Smart Lots of friendes Hot Funny Looks good ect... Heres a list of stuff that is not so good: *Ugly Dumb Loner No sence of humer Smells bad ect... But thats only for how things go for school, now if it was just my personal list thats somthing diffrent: Good: *Cleaver Looks decent Funny Doesn't matter how may friendes he has Likes book Likes lots of diffrent types of music Sensative Suportive Sporty ect... bad: *Stupid Big-headed Stuborn Closed minded Bragges alot Embarrrest Smells bad Looks terrible ect... so yer that what i'm looking for so, and hilight thie bit below.
Bye xxx  love ya
And and lost
Glass c l o u d s · Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 11:10am · 0 Comments |