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Sometimes I might be serious, sometimes I might joke around, usually no one sees these anyways, right? |
Community Member
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 @ 10:46pm
I Wanna Be a Paranormal Princess
Okay, I want a complete set of the Ghost Sheets from last Halloween. But I don't want them handed to me, because that is boring. I want them to be randomly selected from my Refurbished Sheet collection. So far, I have 10 of the 14. Only four more to go. (I need the Howling Ghost Sheet, the Angel Ghost Sheet, the Horned Ghost Sheet, and the Monkey Ghost Sheet.)
Because I can, I'll put all 14 of the Ghost Sheet pictures up right now, in true ghost form (notice the lack of legs)
Now, when I get all 14, I will periodically (probably a week on each) wear an outfit with each ghost sheet. So, that will be 14 weeks of Otakkun the Ghost Sheet! I'm excited. So, now that that is all said and done, I'm going to go buy a Refurbished Sheet and hope for the best. Wish me luck domokun