HI cool (I feel all cool to day) I know I haven't been writing in here offten so I think its time for an up-date in the world of shimmer_cloud: ۞ I have started saying 'hi' and 'bye' in japenise on the phone witch is realy funny when the peorson your ringing has no idea what you talking about and there all like 'What on earth are you saying' its funny trust me. ۞I think my ex likes me again, witch is really annoying because I don't like him any more and he is really pissing me off at school. ۞My teachers love me heart . My year just got there end of year report and not one negative comment was put in mine and quite a few of them said I'm a privalidge to teach. ۞I'm not alowed to wear jeans on a school trip: I'm going to see We Will Rock You down at the birmingham hippadrome with school, and my drama teacher, how is organizing the trip, said thet were not alowed to wear jeans we have to wear 'propper trousers' as he put it. so yer that pretty mutch whats happened in the last week
Bye  love ya xx
Glass c l o u d s · Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 05:56pm · 0 Comments |