And the adapter was ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!
I know, right..
But I had told myself that since it's a hundred bucks it must have a really strong sensor or something so I'll never have connection issues.
Don't get me wrong, it's been reliable, but occasionally I'll get issues where I have to reload matches. And this gets really annoying.
I have a really hard time joining or hosting parties on XBox LIVE.
And one of my friends has parties like everyday and I usually join, since they're fun and all. But it's been giving me a lot of crap here lately....
It's getting annoying...
And I am ONE skull away from getting the Hyabusa helmet...

I know... Look at it in all its glory....
One helmet.... All thirteen skulls...
I even have the infamous "IWHBYD" (I Would Have Been Your Daddy) Skull. You know, the one where you have to go through the rings on the Covenant mission in that specific order after (spoilers) the Prophet dies! That one alone took me an hour! And now I need the Cowbell skull from "The Ark" mission. I was really close. Me and a buddy were at the Scarab part on the mission and were almost there. But then the game started to lag a lot and I couldn't move. And then it kicked him outta the party and I have to restart now!!
This sucks!!!
I'm giving my XBox a break for now... I was only playing for about an hour and it did that...
I'll probably try to get the skull solo tonight. And if I get the skull and my kickass Hyabusa helmet, I'll be sure to post it here!
Check in soon!