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Politely Indirect Accusations
A collection of my thoughts throughout the day. Most of which are saturated with sarcasm and spawned by the need to express my pleasure and or displeasure with the world which is in normal confrontations smothered by my inbred manners.
Speak Not the Truth

Today I was browsing the GD and came across one of the silly 'Rate the avitar of the person above you' threads. Being that it was reasonably late and I was therefor being unreasonable in the slightest I go in for a bit of entertainment. Immediately because of my artistically driven harsh ratings and critiques I make a few enemies. You know the type. They go there to have their egos stroked because they're just so accomplished with their super-unique one-color avitar.
How pro it is to be able to bring an avitar together using only one color. I'm so jealous and I wish I myself will one day be able to accomplish such a feat. Apparently though, I'm being held back by my insistence that avitars can be seen as art. Clearly they are only meant to have uniqueness thrown up upon them so they can be a special snowflake which, since they are so unique to a person, cannot be judged badly in anyway. That's why you're not allowed to rate an avitar anything less than an eight out of ten. Duh.
I was then informed that I can 'take the avi's and turn them into art by adding them into something, or by making avi art.' Hmmm. Could that something be a color other than blue? By god that might be it! Silly me how could I have been so blind? I hadn't realized that since your avitar had no aesthetic value that it couldn't possibly be counted as art. My mistake.
So remember kids If you ever see something like this:
Avitar Rating Authority
i hate peope who give bad comment even if ur sensetive especially on my pro pics im ugly most people say

Then it translates roughly to: I abhor villains who spend the time and effort to give a constructive critique of any value. Those fiends even try to help those with feeble minds such as myself. I am especially offended when my pictures which I still deem of the most professional quality are spoken of in a truthful tongue.

Eilir Aurelius
Community Member
Eilir Aurelius
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  • [07/19/09 07:17am]