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View User's Journal

Ninhjas watching joo...
I hate guys.
Well it`s kinda obvious, isn't it?

All the guys I have ever liked always ended up like this...

... Hannah loves boy
... Boy somewhat likes Hannah
... Hannah has strong feelings for boy
... Boy just uses Hannah for her other hot looking friend to get jealous
... Hannah feels hurt
... Boy doesn't care
... Friend and boy leaves Hannah to cry
... Hannah feels rage and hurt deep inside
... Hannah becomes the quiet and lonely girl once again

Tragic.. isn't it?

I just hate them.
They`re ignorant.
Their just out for the sex, the good looks, the a**, the breasts..
Not winning personality, not the smile that makes everyone smile, the helping hand, the giving heart, the caring...
Ive had enough.
Ive liked to many guys to count, I`m not the one who will go up to them and ask them to date them and dump them 4 days later.
I crush from afar.
Every guy that I thought was amazing, great, a gentleman they all turn to my friend... Ashley.
I help them out when nobody else would.
I console them when somebody they loved has died.
I love them like my own family and friends.
I help them get out of girlfriend situations.
After I give them my time, they decide to throw it away and do it again but this time to some friend I adore.
I want to love somebody.
I do.
I want the feeling of being secure, safe, and loved.
And knowing that they won`t leave me even for someone better.

I want a boy to look at me in the eyes; not the breasts.
... take me by the hand; not the a**
... kiss me on my forehead; not take my virginity and leave.
... who I feel I can share anything with; not video taping something I
did that was personal and posting it on YouTube.
... taking their risk to help me; not leaving me there to suffer.

I just want someone real.

It`s amazing how people think because I look great or pretty or whatever that they come up with and they think I can get any guy in the world.
It amazes me how their wrong.
I have to work hard just as much as the next girl.
I have to wear clothes that I cant breathe in, I have to wear uncomfortable shoes.
Thongs that ride up my a**.
(which by the way, I don`t wear)
Things that I haven't even heard of that I have to wear!
Just to get a single compliment and usually that compliment isn't even worth it.
"Sex magnet"
"What a Babe"

I rather save my time and money wearing what I like to wear to get a compliment that will make me feel better the rest of the day.

I`m getting sick of these guys.
Guys who think they can do what ever they want, whenever, say whatever they want.
They can`t seem to understand we go through all this trouble because we want them to notice us.
If they knew, they would have treat us with hell of a lot better then what they are doing now.

Even the guy I loved, P******, is just using me because he wants to get his crush jealous.
And me and his crush are good friends.
But I despise her in ways that I do not feel like I should mention.
And you know whats even sadder... I still love him.
I still love him even when he`s using me.
I don`t feel that`s right to myself.
And he isn't ugly but no hot hunk either.
But his personality and amazing smile is what won me over.

I just want to be loved by the other sex.
I`m tired of living a lie.
I`m tired of saying I don`t want a boy in my life.
When I do.
I`m also tired of how guys lie right in front of my face.

My head is filled with too many crazed emotions.
I just want to puke up all of them and get it over with.

This is why I cry at romantic movies.
How the guy loves the girl and gives her everything she`s ever wanted and she comments saying that he is all she ever wanted.
This is why I blubber at cheesy quotes.
"Your an idiot, but I love you.."
And the girl doesn't believe him when he says that until he asks her the question.
This is why I feel warm and fuzzy when I see someone real in love.
Not a cartoon, not an movie, I mean love; a female and a male in reality.

This is why I feel hurt & disgusted because no boy wants to stay with me no longer to find out whens my birthday and leaves me because they finally got who they wanted to be with.

To every boy Ive ever met and liked....

I`m just another fill-in for those who cant make up to the real thing.