this is the day that i got hacked and had to start a new account it sucked i had 90k :O but i am kinda glad cause it changed me and i had alot of fun, i had so many friends over these 4 years some i forget some i broke ties with and alot i still love the best friend i had over this time is puppy hands down she has been with me since like the start she is always funny and calling me a perv xD, alot of close good friends have been meggie, cham, vincent, icey, cheese, angel, ember,. my funny rivals icey, Kitteh Doll, iKiraAi. i had my good days and bad days i still remember the pretty sango nightmare how it went from good to hell in one day, i remember the towns how i used to find partys in houses xD alot of weird stuff happened, i cybered once xD, i got married once, i went from single and sad to dad and happy in one year xD, i had some many girlfriends i cant even count them all the best were vincent, maj, Akio aka Foxy, and i remember how they all ended i had weird breakups from sango going from sane to insane to foxy and school maj and her parents nano and her bullshit i remember it all. i also remember the cake kun days xD LONG LIVE CAKE, i remember the all nighters i remember one day i woke up at 7 to get on xD. Gaia has changed me alot i had no social life until i got here i learned alot about ppl and myself i cant really remember the exact day i started but i am glad i got a gaia best choice ever.
Screenies mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen

me cham and meggie xp

puppy and others xd

Icey >.>

Foxy whee

Art blaugh

me and foxy art

well thats it mrgreen its been a long 4 goofy years i really enjoyed it all and i luv you all whee LETS PARTY xp rofl rofl mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen xd xp
Pimp Daddeh 06 · Tue Sep 08, 2009 @ 07:04pm · 0 Comments |