I'll start off with the title love hina. Keintaro, (forgive spelling mistakes in names) the main charecter has a grandma. Her name is hina. this is were hina probably comes from and love is probably for setting him up as the manager, because it is a love story or a combination of these and other various ones. I didn't make the title so I can't be sure. Now anyone who thought that was boring should leave because this is very detailed and I give quite a few personal opinions and if you like Shonobu you should stick around because she is my favorite character. Now I'll stop babbling to stay or not and get down to business. I fell sorry for Keintaro (forgive me if i forget to capitalize a name) but he is also the luckiest guy on earth. He is the manager of an all girls dorm and don't get me wrong I'm not a pervert but that's pretty lucky for a guy. It's really lucky with Motoko around not so he could hook up with her ( I swear I'm not a pervert and I'll bring it up a lot because the say pervert in love hina a lot so I think the maker liked to say pervert but I'm not a pervert) but because of the bad start they got off to. Motoko first meeting with Keintaro was bad enough and she though he was a pervert then at there second meeting she thought he was a stalker. And buy the way Shonobu was the only one who was worried about Keintaro the rest of them were to busy greeting Motoko although Shonobu was the only one who didn't know Motoko but if she did she would have known Motoko she would have said "no Motoko that's the knew apartment manger Keintaro" and if she wasn't so shy and modest (and buy the way many would search for a word to describe Shonobu I dubbed her modest instantly and even though many might describe her differently, I understand psychology to some extent and I understand things in a different light then most people do (I'm not bragging I'm just saying) but if you look up modest in the dictionary you'll understand my point of view. If you say someones great and they say there not that good that's modesty. I'll give you an example with Shonobu, if Keintaro told Shonobu that her cooking was really good she would say "it's OK... I guess..." and her voice would fade away. (before getting some of her confidence back and moving into hinata apartments and after she moved in she would say "NO MOTOKO DON'T HURT HIM(in a loud voice)... (medium pause) I kinda like him... It didn't help Motoko and Keitaro's relationship when he went through the hole in the ceiling to Naru's room when Motoko was sitting there. And at the end it was so suspenseful because he said "(caps lock means LOUD VOICE)IT IS MY BUSINESS BECAUSE (and everyone thought he was going to say "I LOVE YOU" (and Shonobu was expeshily horrified) but he said "BECAUSE I'M THE APARTMENT MANAGER" Don't get me wrong they definatly have felling for echouther just like all the rest of the hinata apartments residents (except Haruka, Sara, and Mitsune not saying Mitsune and Keintaro aren't friends they just aren't lovers. I will continue to wright more but it is very late well actual it is now A.M. and it was Halloween yesterday/tonight and I keep making mistakes and having to correct them. One last thing Shonobu is kawaii or cute and is known as her kawaiiness or cuteness but at the end of the love hina episodes (not the specials or love hina again episodes) when the credits are on and everyone is dressed in white sheet gowns thinamabobers Shonobo is SEXY. I'm not perverted and just capitalized sexy too make it clear becase it is prety important.