Hello, I read a pretty good love hina rp and I have some comments to share about it. First if you go to love hina on the forums its the second one down under love hina rp hinata story goes on reopen/need people. I wish Riku and Shonobus relationship would have developed more but it stoped on page 14/15. That was a bummer. Second of all I want to put a scene about Dusk and Nodoka's (Nodoka has mind reading powers and her name reminds me of nodika a cell phone brand) relationship. this is a few years later Ty is still the manager, naru still lives there and Dusk and Nodoka now have shared a room for a few years. Dusk and Nodoka's wedding day was just a few weeks away. They had been planning it for almost a year now. "Dusk." said Nodoka. "Yes." Dusk replied. "Do you think we should get a bed?" "What" "A bed" "Why do you ask?" "It's just we've been together for so long and... well our wedding isn't that far away." "It's all up to you." replied Josh, but at that moment he couldn't help imagining Nodoka topless for about two seconds. Nodoka who had been reading his mind to see if he was telling the truth screamed "PERVERT.", and punched him square in the chin. She hit him so hard that he went through three walls and didn't stop flying till he hit the other side of the hinata apartments. There was a crack as he hit the stone wall and a thud when he hit the ground. Where he had hit the wall there was now a dent and the stone was cracked. Ty was walking to Dusk and Noroka's room to ask what Shonobu should make for the wedding at that time when he herd Notoka yell pervert and saw Dusk fly through the walls. Calmly he leaned through the door to Dusk and Notoka's room. "You've been spending to much time with Naru," he said "her habits are rubbing off on you." Later that day... "How is he?" asked Nodoka. He'll be fine." replied the doctor, "he has a broken jaw and two broken ribs so he has to take it easy." "Thank you." she replied and walked into Dusk's hospital room. Slowly she sat down on the bed and leaned over Dusk. "Dusk?" She said. "Yes?" he replied. "Lets get a bed." she answered. "On one condition." he said. "What would that be?" she replied half wondering what it could be half hoping she wouldn't have to call him a pervert and punch his lights out. "Don't spend to much time with Naru." was his answer, and a smile broke over there faces. They leaned twords each other and their lips interlocked in a kiss. Not bad aye. It,s kind of weird because it combines slang like punch his lights out and deep romance like and their lips interlocked in a kiss. JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR I'M NOT A PERVERT I JUST MADE THE SKRIPT THAT WAY SO IT WOULD WORK. Feel free to tell me your opinion. P.S. SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYONE WHO MADE/PLAYED ONE OF THESE CHARACTERS IN THE RP. P.P.S THOSE OF YOU WHO HELPED WITH THE RP I WAS TALKING ABOUT COULD PROBABLE MAKE SOME VERY GOOD BOOKS SOME DAY.