Name: Nina Clark Gender: Female Age: 17
Technician, Weapon, Witch: Technician
Souls Attained: Zero LOOKS

Eye Color: Emerald Hair Color: Brown Skin Tone: Light Tan Height/Weight: 5’5” 103 lbs.
Extra: She always wears a scarf around her neck and usually carried one or two bells, for good luck. PERSONALITY
Likes: Lots of random noise, hugs, chattering about nothing, and squeaky toys Dislikes: Silence, practical jokes, and serious people Hobbies: Humming, making people worry, and rolling around Fears: Water, being murdered in her sleep Quote: “If I squeeze you, will you squeak?"
Extra: She’s a bit paranoid, and sometimes plays it up only to make other people worried about her sanity.
Birthplace/Home Town: Veronaville Birthday: Feb. 15th Family: Two older brothers and her parents. Partner: None yet
Life's Story: Nina grew up in a pretty rough household. Her parents were always gone and that left her in the care of her crazy older brothers and sometimes her older cousins. Nina's tomboyish from hanging around them so much, and she loves being one.
You don't have to write a novel, but again, more is better.
[img:35be38a554][/img:35be38a554] [b:35be38a554] I like roleplaying, music, and anything artsy. Photography, drawing, whatever. I do it all.[/b:35be38a554] [/color:35be38a554][/size:35be38a554][/align:35be38a554]
awesomecacy · Thu Feb 11, 2010 @ 10:38pm · 0 Comments |