My obsession is enlargering, and becoming more strange and thus, unique. Observe. my avatar& profile theme; its may appear cheerful, but it will suck you into the deep world of all your desires but they are decieving.
My new approach to show the darkness of me, with colour o . o But, its the usuall sweets and toys you imagine to be full of happiness, but ther potrayed with stark contrast - behold my new style of disturbing, creepy but beautfiul art & everything links with each other, even the elements, to my interpreation of society ofcourse. Now what to work on is more creative ideas + colouring/drawing techniques ~
Buttoned eyes, realistic dolls, costume fashioned, petite and most of all materialistic. It is surreal, epic artistic madness i am engulfed in; musically aswell. Amature creepy carnival music such as circus contramption, The Tiger Lillies etc.
hans christian andersen stories are supposed to fill everyone with imagination and delight, but the morals only kill my soul. They link aswell with my artistic aims. Example; The little match girl
'Horrible, but wondeful, horrible, but wonderful.
Le Porcelain Doll · Thu Mar 04, 2010 @ 08:23am · 0 Comments |