Well, I don't have the 500,000 anymore. Bought a Scarlet Mist. So I'm down to 300,000. Next goal reach 600,000 before buying something again, I don't know if it's the best process, but it makes sense to me. I guess I'll buy another Scarlet Mist, and then get 700,000. Not to sure what the buy after that, I want to get a few Alunarus Roses, or whatever they are, but I don't want to drop to far below a base price (Which is 300,000, though will probably increase to 500,000 once I get to a Million), which is for any monthly collectibles that I may be interested in, or that I think will be worth something later on down the road. I'll probably get some Crimson Promises, after the Scarlet Mist, and Then Enchanted Books. I want to get Fuastine's bottles, but that will be way down the line, considering they are over a Million, and I wouldn't feel comfortable buying them, unless I had at least 2 million. But with the process that I'm doing now, maybe it'll be only a few months. The list is long, but I'll get there.
A Clockwork Romance Community Member |