Once upon a time, there was once a prosperity kingdom. It flourished and was ruled by a powerful, but kind royal family. They lived and thrived, doing what is best for their kingdom. They hated to see their people sad and disappointed. However like in every world, there was always warring sides. Sides that wanted something, but couldn't get their hands on it from either trade or gift. So they decided that violence was the only key to achieving what they want. But the kingdom was full of powerful wizards and magicians. They defended the kingdom and threw back the invaders. Peace seemed to have finally come back.
However one day, it changed, people started disappearing. All that was left, was blood from the victims. But than days later, the bodies would show up of the murdered victims. People became scared and demanded the royal family to do something. They tried to negotiate with them, but it failed and the people grew more angry. Day by day, more people disappeared and the streets became soaked in blood. A riot broke out as people stormed into the castle. They seemed to have been possessed by something much darker, than any of the magic users could use. They slaughtered the royal family and destroyed the castle. The castle walls bleed red, as blood was spilled.
But than something unexpected happened, the people turned onto each other and slaughtered each other. The streets were rivers of blood and the bodies of many slain littered the streets. However the head guard had managed to rescue the twins from the blood soaked walls. One boy and one girl, were rescued and rushed to safety. The kingdom than became desolated and quiet, the perpetrator was never found and remained unknown.
Now five years later, the crown prince and princess with their guard had finally come onto their old kingdom. It had fallen into ruin and it looked more ancient than when they left it five years ago. However this kingdom is now all that seemed. The real culprit, remains hidden and watches. As things worse the spirits now roam the streets of the ruined castle. They don't venture in alone, they are with people who seem to be able to read the dark currents of this kingdom. This kingdom became cursed and something even more darker roams the blood soaked strengths and it's ally is someone quite close.
silver-phoenix_zaniyah · Wed Apr 28, 2010 @ 11:11pm · 0 Comments |