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View User's Journal

a journal of broken dreams...
well....i like to write songs and ill probably write bout' tht so yah. i might once in awhile if something relly is messing with me ill express my feelings into writing so sorry if i write something relly wierd or sad...
(not in any order, and don't feel bad if you're not on here pwease!)

1. Lover Girl380 - Jamie heart
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2. lovely red webs - Marcy (:
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3. Sweet Yukki - Mommy :3
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4. forbidden_bloddy_prince - Ben :3
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5. Moonshine27 - Moon (:
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6. Tylie8 - Tylie [:
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7. iTheAsian - Kevin :3
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8. Hikari8 - Hikari [:
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9. Vampire Tala Rosabella - Tala (:
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10. Toriyasha - Shade (:
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