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Caleb Valsage
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[C]aleb [V]alsage ----- [P]yrokinetic

Caleb is a ladies man, first and foremost. He's always got his eye on someone new, and tends not to stay in any one place for very long. He can summon and manipulate fire at will, but outside of that he's your typical human male. To be fair, typical might not be the right word... He's 6'5'' and ALL muscle.

He grew up in an orphanage, surrounded by regular humans. The excessive praise for his strange talents with fire throughout his childhood spawned the insufferable ego he has now, at 22 years of age. He very seldom shares with anyone that the talent he's known for resulted in the death of his parents. When he was 5 years old, he accidentally set the house on fire in the middle of the night. His mother and father had burned to death, while Caleb of course remained unaffected by the flames. He still has nightmares about the sound of their screams, which is why he avoids spending the night with any girl he happens to seduce.

As arrogant as he is, Caleb hates himself, and refuses to become attached to anyone. He's afraid he'll hurt anyone he gets close to, and decided a long time ago that staying on his own was the best possible solution. He enjoys his lifestyle, for the most part. He does what he wants whenever he wants, but on occasion, there's that part of him that aches for someone to share his life with.

[C]aleb [J]ams [T]o: Cage The Elephant, Buck Cherry, Cake, Puddle of Mudd, Saving Abel, Hinder, Warrant, Slipknot, Alexisonfire, Soundgarden, Justin Timberlake, Ludacris, Three Days Grace, Tool, Alice in Chains, Nine Inch Nails, Black Label Society, All That Remains, Framing Hanley, Escape The Fate and Green Day
[F]eels [L]ike: He got hit by a bus... In the head.