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The Forever Changing Dragon

By: Sport2933

Chapter 1:
The Dragon

This story begins when a 30 year old man named Peter Johnson is on vacation. One day he heard a loud roar in a park, but there were no animals in any parks. So he went and investigated. He came to a cave and did not hear the loud roar. “I guess it was nothing.” Peter said. He started to walk back and then heard a Roar louder than the last and turned and he knew it was coming from the cave now and it was deep in the cave but still loud and he knew it was no human, so he went into the cave to go see what it was.

He came to the end of the cave and there were torches lit on both sides of the cave. Every 8 inches there was a torch. Then he saw what the loud roar was. It was a dragon that no one ever knew it was there. And Peter heard the dragon roar but some how afterward he heard someone say “ouch” but no one fallowed him and he heard it again then he knew the dragon was hurt the dragon had a rock stuck in its foot.

So Peter came and asked “Do you need help there?” The dragon said “Yes. Please help me.” Peter saw the rock and pulled it out of the dragon’s foot. The dragon gave his thanks with a great sigh as he changed into human form. And Peter said “You are a transforming dragon aren’t you!” And the human formed Dragon shook his head and said “I have seen the beginning of time but never died. I have took many forms but never stuck in my original form. I am eternally grateful” said the dragon. Peter then asked “So you lived forever right?” The dragon shook yes. “My name is Slither Dragon” said the dragon. “My name is Peter Johnson but people call me Peter” said Peter. “Well thank you Peter” said Slither. Slither then changed into a suite case and they walked away out of the cave and went to Peter’s apartment and the apartment was so small that Slither could not sleep very well. The next morning Slither told Peter “I can not sleep very well here.” So Peter decided to make a house at the park next to the cave where he first saw Slither.

* * *

20 years have passed and Peter was married to a woman named Sara. She did not know about Slither until the honeymoon was over and Slither was ecstatic but when Sara saw Slither in his dragon form she looked at Peter like he was joking or something and then Slither went to human form and Sara fainted.

Chapter 2:

Sara awoke from what she thought was a strange dream. To see that it was not a dream. And she said “Peter who is this?” He then said “This is Slither a dragon that I took a rock out of his foot and now we are friends, he said that he saw the beginning of time but never died.” “Well peter it is either me or the dragon that you will live with” said Sara.

* * * *

Those three years were as quiet as mouse at midnight. “Well sorry that three years ago you decided me instead of her” said Slither. “It is ok Slither I knew you longer than you knew her. And she was a pain in my neck.”

Chapter 3:
The Funereal

The years have gone by and Slither saw Peter ageing and told Peter “Peter you are dieing.” “At least I hade a child with Sara 33years ago.” said Peter. “His name is… is… is. . .” when Peter took his dieing breath he said “Joseph” Peter then died. Slither was all alone unless he went and looked for Sara and her son Joseph to let them know that Peter has died. When he found them she told Slither to go away and never come back. She later let Slither in for a cup of water.

He then told her the sad news and she fell to her knees crying till a half hour later. “When is the funeral?” asked Sara. “He told me to let you decide Sara.” said Slither “and for you to decide where it is going to be held at.” “The next person in line to be my friend or master is your son Joseph” said Slither. “And how do know that I have a son or daughter” asked Sara. “Peter told me that you had a son named Joseph” said Slither. “Well I do have a son named Joseph” said Sara. She then called Joseph down and he was not like what Slither thought Joseph looked like. Slither was thinking he would look like Peter but he was the complete opposite of what he thought. Joseph was a short man with zits all over his face and piercings in his nose and ears and lower lip. When Sara told him the sad news he first tried to remember a photo of him and then fell to his knees and cried like a little baby and hit the floor like an elephant was walked through the room. You will have to excuse us for a wile Slither we will let you know the set date of the funeral. “Okay Sara. If possible can you tell him who I am and what I am?” asked Slither.

Chapter 4:
The Day of the Funeral
(December 21, 2012)

Sara set the date for 12/21/2012 at Newcomer funeral home. She called all Peters friends and family to the funeral and they all cried when they heard the bad news, and that was the saddest funeral in the history of funerals for them. They all were so sad they never acted the same afterward.

At the funeral Slither did what he thought was right and tried to tell Peters family that he was not what they thought he was so he said “I am not what you think I am, I am a…” Sara interrupted him and whispered in his ear “Do not tell them that you are a changing dragon. Do you think that they were too surprised and scared when they heard that Peter was dead?” Slither tried to say his answer when Sara said to the family “Slither here is an amazing accountant.” In a low tone Sara told Slither “tell them at the Johnson Family Reunion.” So slither told every one that he has the best deals and that he is the number one accountant out of all of the others at his work station.

Chapter 5:
The Family Reunion
(January 21, 2013)

“Well I am glad that the Johnson family invited us to the family reunion even you Slither” said Sara. “Can I tell them now Sara? Can I tell them that I am a Dragon now?” asked Slither. “Wait till they say some announcements Slither” said Sara. So wile they were waiting for the announcements from Peter’s father named Bob Johnson. “We would like to welcome three people here today. Please give a hand for Sara Michel, Joseph Michel, and Slither Dragon” said Bob. And the whole Johnson family gave a loud roar of claps at once and made the three jump. And he asked if they want too give an announcement and Sara said that she would give hers and her son’s speech and then it was Slither’s turn and he did not give a speech but he showed the Johnson family what he was and they neither ran or screamed they did not even flinch and Sara, Joseph, and Slither asked them all “aren’t you people scared?” They all said “no we are not scared.” And Slither then went into human form wile asking “why aren’t you all scared that I am a dragon?” Bob then said that “we are not scared because we all already knew that you were a dragon Slither. Peter the day that he found you called me and told me that he found you. Don’t you remember when Peter took that picture of you in Dragon form? Too prove that he was not lying he mailed the picture too me. Didn’t he tell you that he told us about you Slither?” “No, he did not tell me that you people knew about me. In fact we are in the same park he found me he built a house next too my cave which reminds me. Sara and Joseph Peter told me to tell you that if you want his house you can have it if not it will go to Bob and Susann” Slither said. “We will tell you later Slither” said Sara.

(JANUARY 21, 2013)

“Well I am glad that the Johnson family invited us to the family reunion even you Slīther ” said Sara. “Can I tell them now Sara? Can I tell them that I am a Dragon now?” asked Slīther. “Wait till they say some announcements Slīther” said Sara. So wile they were waiting for the announcements from Peter’s father named Bob Johnson. “We would like to welcome three people here today. Please give a hand for Sara Michel, Joseph Michel, and Slīther Dragon” said Bob. And the whole Johnson family gave a loud roar of claps at once and made the three of them jump. And he asked if they want too give an announcement and Sara said that she would give hers and her son’s speech and then it was Slīther’s turn and he did not give a speech but he showed the Johnson family what he was and they neither ran or screamed they did not even flinch and Sara, Joseph, and Slīther asked them all “aren’t you people scared?” They all said “no we are not scared.” And Slīther then went into human form wile asking “why aren’t you all scared that I am a dragon?” Bob then said that “we are not scared because we all already knew that you were a dragon Slīther. Peter the day that he found you called me and told me that he found you. Don’t you remember when Peter took that picture of you in Dragon form? Too prove that he was not lying he mailed the picture too me. Didn’t he tell you that he told us about you Slīther?” “No, he did not tell me that you people knew about me. In fact we are in the same park he found me he built a house next too my cave which reminds me. Sara and Joseph Peter told me to tell you that if you want his house you can have it if not it will go to Bob and Susann” Slīther said. “We will tell you later Slīther” said Sara.


Bob calls Slīther to the side and tells him something that he did not want Sara to know and did not want Joseph to know just yet. “Slīther this family has a secret that only the Johnson family to know what the secret is.” He takes a stutter and then takes a deep breath and then says “We are wizards.” Slīther cocks his head and asks “What do you mean?” He then says “Watch. Look at that tree over there.” He then says “Arbor mas” Then the tree Slīther was looking at started to grow and grow but no one other than Slīther was looking shocked Sara was busy talking to the family to notice that the tree was growing. “Now do you understand what I mean by we are wizards.” Slīther shakes his head yes he knows why he said that but he was not out of breath in the spite he saw magic but because he had no idea that Joseph was a wizard but he had no idea bout Peter so he asked “Was Peter a wizard?” Bob answered “Yes he was a wizard but we did not tell him because we thought he would abuse his powers.” “Well if you told him he wouldn’t abuse his powers he would do well with them and protect others. I asked him one day and he said he would do good with them and not abuse them no matter what, and he would do his best to protect his family” said Slīther. “Well the reason I called you over was not to talk about Peter Slīther. I called you over to ask you to tell Joseph that he is a wizard and if he does not understand tell him to come and see me and I’ll show him. I’ll teach him how to use his powers if it is ok with his mom. Okay Slīther?” asked Bob. “Okay Bob.” Slīther went and told Joseph that he was a wizard and he did not understand. He went and asked Bob “Slīther told me that u told him that I am a wizard. Is that true?” Bob answered “Yes that is true, do I need to demonstrate?” Joseph nodded and then Bob looked for something and he found the lake ad asked Joseph to fallow him. They were down at the lake and the Bob said “Okay watch what I do Joseph.” Joseph answered “Okay grandpa.” Bob then said “Bola de la subida del agua” and a ball of water arose from the lake as Bob was holding one hand out. “Now you try Joseph.” Joseph tried it with the exact words Bob said. “Ohh I forgot you need to use a different language. A language that works for you and only you.” Joseph knew only 2 languages English and some Japanese so he tried English and nothing happened at first but as soon as he raised his hands with sigh, balls of water arose. Bob then looked at Joseph with a questionable facial expression that had Joseph ask Bob “What is it Bob?” Bob answered “A legend has finely come true.” “What Legend grandpa?”


“The legend all magical beings have known for thousands of years and it was made by a wizard who had a dragon as a friend.” Joseph looked at Slīther and had wanders if Slīther was that dragon. “No Slīther wasn't that same dragon. This dragon was a female dragon named Susan. Her wizard companion was our queen named Kiina.” Bob said pulling out a statue looking like a snake and placed it in Joseph’s hand. Joseph asked “What is thi…” he could not finish what he was saying because the snake slithered to his hand and raped it’s self around Joseph’s ring finger and its eyes glowed with sapphire eyes.

“You’re it!!!!!!”

“I am what?”

“You are more powerful then all of us wizards here combined. Legend has it that Kiina’s apprentice will find an apprentice, and that apprentice will be the second most powerful wizard for the next millennia. That child will come from a elf mother and her blood line will go back to Kiina’s blood line of wizard’s and humans known as Glatorians. Your father was a wizard, and you are more powerful than all us here so that means your mother is a Glatorian.”


“Joseph what are you doing?” asked Slīther .

“I am trying on my powers I have been practicing since I need to do something before anything bad happens… again.”

“You’re practicing at midnight on a school night? Don’t you think that is kind of risky?”

“I guess you’re right buddy I will go to bed, because I will need all the strength I have for school and what not.”

“Those up the night before with no rest are sure to fall asleep during something major.”

“So in other words those with a sleepless night are sure to fail.”

“Yes, so go get some sleep, please.”

The next day came and went but Joseph still had problems with his magic and then went to his grandfather and asked him “Grandpa, can you help me by training me in the ways of Kiina and the other wizards like that?” His grandfather agreed and it took 4 months for the training to be completed and then was the biggest test of them all.


“The test is bout time. I want you to show me all your training shown in a glass ball you will form by magic out of this sand on this beach.”

Joseph cased a spell on the sand and formed a glass ball big enough for both his hand and pushed all his training into the ball with ease and he kept it there and his grandpa was proud of him. “Give me your snake ring Joseph and do the same.”

“Grandpa what is so important of me giving you my ring?”

“The ring makes it easer for you to cast spells like that.”

Joseph handed over the ring and did the same with a little more effort than he planed and then was a new kind of wizard.


One day Sara finds Joseph trying to sneak out of the house and fallowed him to Bob’s house and hears that Joseph has been trained and now is the final challenge. “Joseph you have been trained and passed the test all us here have passed and mastered it. But there is one more that only you can take and it is…” he stopped to notice that they have uninvited company. “Sara come on in.” Sara jumps as if she was trying to hide something major that she did not want others to know and she sighs and comes in. “You should be proud of your son Sara he has completed his training.”

“Training? What training?”

Joseph looked at the floor as if he had done something wrong and the family looked at him and then Bob looked at Sara and said “Joseph has been training with me for four months and he has passed the test of showing me his training in a glass ball he made himself with magic with and with out his ring.”

“Magic? Ring? I have not seen him do magic around me if he is a magician or what ever you told him what he is. The only ring I saw him wearing was that ring with a snake head.”

So Joseph told his mom what has happen and what he is there for. Sara did not believe him so then he grabbed three marbles out of a bowl he is near and thought of those three marbles floating and those three marbles started to hover and then Sara then understood what was happening but not without fainting and regaining conscious.

Bob asked to see Sara after the ceremony and Sara did so. Bob told Sara the whole ten yards and she was shocked to hear something she never thought would happen too her ever.


Slither one day went out for a walk and remembered his life before the first man was made upon the earth. He looked beyond the hills and saw a pile if dust being formed in to a shape of a man and then saw him breathing and then turned into a lamb after all the animals were made and wandered who the Lord has named him. He came up to the man and asked “What is thou name?” And the man answered him saying “Thy name is Adam. And what is thou name?” And the Lord answered him saying “The beast in front of thou is not one you have name yet. Name the beast a dragon and the name if him shall be Slīther.” And then Slīther saw a female dragon walking up to him and asks “What is thy name?” and the Lord answered Adam saying “Thou female dragon’s name shall be Susan.” And then Adam went in a deep slumber and Slīther and Susan witnessed the creation of a human female from a rib of man. And the Lord woke Adam and said “Here lays a woman from thou rib of man and thou shall name her Eve.”

As Slīther was walking along the path in the forest he remembered when things man never thought was possible like flying. He remembered the Right brothers and how they saw him fly and then they came up with a contraction naming it an Airplane but one of them when he flew it forgot to attach landing gear and then died from that crash.

All that walk he remembered all the things he help make in his life time and all of the ones he helped making what is known as modern technology like airplanes, cars, skyscrapers and many more than those. He then wished he did not live forever because he remembered his love named Susan who just disappeared thousands of years ago and remembered her last words she told him “I will be back Slīther I’ll be back for you and we will be together for all eternity.” So he has waited those many long lonely years traveling between the human realm and the elf realm waiting for Susan.


Joseph one day went to the cemetery to visit his fathers’ grave and pay his respects. When he was going to the grave he found a woman with a peace of paper and some chalk. She put the paper on the head stone and rubbed the chalk on the paper and got an out line of the name and every thing on the head stone. She then stood up and waved her hand over top the grave sight and then a ring of roses appeared and she walked away. So Joseph went up to the stone and jumped back for the name was the same he was going too. His fathers’ grave was not known by many people outside the family.

When he was done with paying his respects to his father’s grave he had a moment of silence and when he least expected it the woman came back and said “He was a good man and he will be a great wizard of wizards along sides with you Joseph and your dragon friend Slīther and your mother Sara. You may not remember me but my name is Kiina.”

“How do you know my father?” asked Joseph.

“I am the godmother of your father and his father and his father’s father and so on and I am your godmother Joseph.” said Kiina.

Before Joseph could get anything else out the woman just vanished. “Strange” thought Joseph.


Joseph goes to the Cave house and tries to find Slīther in the house and in the cave. He could not find him so he went out into the forest to find him and when he found him, Slīther was on the bench in the middle of the forest. He was smiling. When Slīther spotted Joseph, he waved for Joseph to come over. Joseph was shaking when he got to sit down and Slīther asked “What happened?”

“Some strange women is a wizard and tells me that she was my ancestors and my godmother.” answered Joseph.

“Did you catch a name or anything?”

“Her name was so familiar. I can not quit place it though. Her name was Kiina.”

“She is here?! Where did you see her?” asked Slīther with horror and excitement in his eyes.

“I saw her at the cemetery and she took the name of someone we both know.”

“Joseph tell me, did she say anything else to you?”

“Yes she did. She said that my father was a great man and he will be a great wizard along side with me with you as a friend and with my mom.” answered Joseph.

Slīther looked at the ground in horror and confusion. “How can it be her now? How can it be her with out Susan? Susan told me when Kiina was back she would be back as well.” thought Slīther.

“Was she with any one else Joseph?”

“I don’t know. Well there was another person there but she was in the car.”

Slīther looked at the sky with two expressions on his face. Great joy came to his face at first but his expression was changed by great and utter despair and horror.

“What is it Slīther?”

Slīther for the first time since meeting Susan for the first time Slīther stuttered in answering “It’s nothing you need too worry about Joseph.”

The Forever changing Dragon

The Boy, the Man, and the Dragon

Peter finds a cave holding a dragon and later on the dragon is passed on to Peter’s son Joseph and then Joseph learned he was a wizard from his grandfather Bob and Bob showed him the ways in wizardry and then he went to his fathers grave and saw a women who the dragon knew and that woman was the Queen of the elves and saw Joseph and walked away not to be seen till later. But I am not going to spoil that cuz wass the point in a mystery fantasy? So if you wanna read on read the next two books. I promise you will not be disappointed.
See you later reader.

When 1 thing happens a result of that action is back at you worse or better. confused confused confused Confused yet?

Prince Sport
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Prince Sport
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  • User Comments: [4] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Fri Oct 28, 2011 @ 10:18pm
    u never told me that u were an amazing writer!!!! u should publish it!! post more cuz now u have gotten me into this story so u better finish it!!! ahhhhhh!!!! i wanna read more!!!!!! write more!! love ya!!

    commentCommented on: Sat Oct 29, 2011 @ 03:45pm
    Well i have more but it is on my flash drive and i dont feel like putting it on right now and i have a few more chapters to make when i am done then ill put it on there ok?
    Love ya Brit,

    Prince Sport
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 01, 2012 @ 09:05pm
    <3 how formal the comments are >.<
    But anyways,
    Would you ever consider changing the beginning?
    The first few sentences sound a bit grade school english assignment to me.
    Hope I helped!

    commentCommented on: Fri Mar 30, 2012 @ 04:56pm
    love it!!!! 4laugh

    Community Member
    User Comments: [4] [add]