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book 2 hope yall like it so far
The Wizard’s Dragon

By: Sport
(Darian Funk)
By the maker of:

The Forever Changing Dragon


It was midnight when Joseph arrived at the graveyard with two suit cases and a shovel. He put one suit case down and then the shovel was laid down on the ground. “Ok Slither you can show now.” said Joseph.

“Finely I was starting to cramp in that form” said Slither wile turning into human form.

“Well you better be glad you were not stuck in a cretin form like when my father took that sharp rock out of your foot years ago.”

Then Joseph opened the suitcase and took out a book of spells and potions his grandfather Bob gave him and cased a spell that made potions appear and opened the book to a page.

“What kind of potion are you going to make Joseph?”

“The potion to bring the dead back to life. From what they died from never appeared unless they were murdered. It works for ninety years and they awake and remember every thing they have known before and learn what is to learn. They go to the age they would be at now as if they did not die and they forget that they even died in the first place. The potion requires two drops of an offspring’s blood and a little magic.”

Slither nods and digs up the one they are there for. He hits the coffin and turns in to his dragon form and reaches in and takes out the coffin and turns back into human form and gasps before he opens the coffin. “Are you sure you want to do this Joseph? He is you father at that matter sure he will remember you but he will also remember divorcing your mother.”
“I am sure Slither.” said Joseph wile getting the potion ready.

As he gets the potion ready Slither opens the coffin and takes Peter out of the coffin. “Is the potion ready Joseph?”

“One more ingredient is needed.” said Joseph as he pulls out an ancient wizard dagger and slightly cuts his index finger and puts two drops of his blood in the potion. “Now it is.” he said wile heeling his finger he casts a spell that made a circle of poles and Joseph grabs the K candles on the table with potions on it and asks Slither to blow a circle of fire over them.

Slither did so and then all six candles were lit and the fire was not blue and orange the fire was blood red “Now Slither close your eyes for this spell is for wizards to see and others who see this will go blind if they see this spell. Who knows what will happen to dragons if they see this spell.” so when Slither closed his eyes that is when Joseph pored the potion down Peters throat and then murmured the spell saying “The dead will live again and shall be once more a soul in the body of the one lost.” and with a touch from Josephs forehead to Peters forehead one time Peter wakes and breaths again.

“What are you doing here Joseph? Shouldn’t you be with your mother?” said Peter.

“Well it’s a long story which I am not going to tell you. Dad I am a wizard and so are you and every one on your side of the family like grandpa Bob and Uncle Jorge and Aunt Lou. Grandpa never told you that you were a wizard and he regrets that he did not tell you that you were a wizard when you were younger.”

“Wow. You must have a good imagination to come up with that kind of story.” said Peter wile looking around the graveyard with a question in his head. “Why am I in the graveyard son?”

“You don’t want to know why.” said Slither.

“Slither why am I here what happened and why do I smell like the living dead?”

“I told you that you don’t want to know why you are here.”

“Well at least tell me where everyone is.”

“First let me show you that I am not kidding that I am a wizard and so are you and the whole Johnson family.” said Joseph. Joseph them makes the fire circle go toward his hand and hover over his hand and then some dirt went toward the little ball of fire and made a little solar system. And then Peter sat down in shock.

Chapter 2:
Peter’s Quest

“So I am a wizard also? How come your grandfather never told me that I am a wizard? Well then I need to go find him and ask him why he never told me that I am a wizard.” said Peter.

So Peter went and looked for his father and mother.

“Hay grandpa you have a visitor coming to your place he will be there any minute so don’t be surprised.” said Joseph over the phone.

“Who is it Joseph? Who is my visitor?” asked Bob.

“Well I made and used a potion that brings the dead back to life out of the book you gave me two weeks ago. You know the book of incantantations and potions.”

“Who is the man you are sending or is looking for me?”

“Will you yell at me or anything along that line if I tell you?”

“I don’t know. I cannot promise anything.”

“It’s my father. It’s Peter.”

The line was quiet for a little bit then Joseph heard Bob crying on the other end of the line and then Bob said “So you have brought my son your father back to life for what reason?”

“I brought him back so I can get too know him and that way you can get to talk to him I hope you can tell him the way of the wizards like you showed me.”

“Thank you Joseph.”

“No problem grandpa.”

Chapter 3:
Joseph has a What!?!?

“Hay mom I am going out to meet some friends ill be back later mom so don’t worry.” said Joseph wile leaving the house.

“Do you need a ride Joseph?” asked Sara.

“No mom. I will walk its good for my health.”

So Joseph left and went out but not to a friend’s house. It was 4:15 when he got there.

“Are you ready Rachel? Are you ready for our date?”

“I will be done in a minute Joseph.” said Rachel.

“Ok Rachel I’ll be down here waiting for you.”

Rachel’s father asks Joseph to have a sit in the chair on the other side of him and does as every father does to protect his daughter.

“You will give my daughter a nice evening I assume, correct?”

“Correct Mr. Krizan.”

“I will expect you to bring her back here by no later than 10:30 if she is not I will come and take my daughter and you will not see her again. Deal?”

Joseph takes a deep breath and then says in a sigh “Deal Mr. K.”

“Ok then.” Mr. K then gives Joseph a stern handshake wile Rachel comes down the stares in the most beautiful dress Joseph has ever seen Rachel in a dress. It was 5:30 when she came down.

Rachel then gives her father a kiss on the cheek and says “I’ll see you when we get back dad.”

“Ok sweetie.” and mumbles in Joseph’s ear “Remember no later than 10:30 or else”

“So where are we going Joseph?” asked Rachel.

“We are going to a movie that you want too see. The movie is called Destiny remember.”

Rachel in a screech of enjoyment gave Joseph a big hug and then they went on to the movies and bought their tickets and went to the screen and they were there before the movie began. They did not see much of the movie when they left the screen holding hands.

“Where are we going now?”

“I thought we could go to dinner. The rest-rant is called Phantoka.”

Rachel’s beautiful blue eyes widened due too what she was bout to say.

“That is a rest-rant that takes reservations in 3 months notice.”

“Well I asked you to date me today 3 months ago and I made the reservation when I asked you and you accepted.”

When they arrived at the rest-rant their name was about to be called so they went to their table and gave their order.

When their orders came at the same time Joseph’s mother came and went to her table and saw that Joseph was with a girl she never knew was Joseph’s friend.

By the time Joseph and Rachel finished dining Sara fallowed Joseph and Rachel to Rachel’s house and when they arrived Sara was across the street watching them and saw that Joseph were more than just friends for she saw Joseph and Rachel kiss lips and Sara drove home and waited for Joseph.

When Joseph rings the door bell for Mr. Krizan to answer the door and he answered the door and lets Rachel inside and gave Joseph and said “You are a good kid. Just make sure that nothing happens to my daughter.”

When Joseph arrived home and saw his mom waiting in the living room in the chair and asked him to come see her and she asked Joseph to tell her the truth and asked “Who was that girl you were with at Phantoka with?”

And so Joseph told her the whole story bout what happened that night and told her when they started dating and Sara went to ease.

“How come you did not tell me earlier that you have a girlfriend?”

“I was afraid that you would not approve on the timing mom.”

“Well that is your fathers’ decision. Isn’t that right Peter?”

“That is right darling.” said Peter.

Joseph was in shock and asked “How…When…Who told you mom?”

“Your grandfather called the night you went to the graveyard but he is not the one who told me the name. Slither told me the name.” She then went and whispered in Joseph’s ear and said “Why did you bring your father back alive?”
“I wanted to know him in person not of what I have heard bout my father plus I have a question to ask him bout a name.”

“Ok then ask him.”

Joseph then looked at his father and asked him “Have you ever heard the name Kiina dad?”

Peter’s eyes then widened as Joseph said the name and then looked at Sara with the same expression and asked “Where did you hear that name son?”

“Grandpa told me the name along with the name Susan.”

“I have never heard that name in my whole life.” Though Peter was lying to where he tried to make it where Joseph thought it was the truth.

“But she told me that she was my godmother as well as yours and grandpas and great grandpas.”

“Peter he needs to know.” said Slither.

“Its true Kiina is you godmother and I had to because my father when I was a little kid told me to make a woman named Kiina my kids godmother for the godmother will tell the family the greatest secret that we will ever be told.”

“A secret more than the family made of what the outside world thinks of fantasy but that are real? What secret is more than that?”

“You will learn in time my son, you will learn in time.”

Then Joseph thinks to him self “Is it time for me to teach my father the way of magic?” and then all the sudden an answer was put in his head by Kiina “You should teach him when the time is right and ill be there helping you through the training Joseph.”

Chapter 4:
The Truth is Told to Peter

When Joseph and Peter had some time alone Peter started to think why he was in the graveyard in the middle of the night.

“Why were we in the middle of a graveyard in the middle of the night the other day son?” asked Peter.

Joseph thought that his father would have forgotten by now and would be on him about having a girlfriend and not telling anyone in his family about this peace of information. “Why do you want too know about that dad?”

Peter then just sat down and told Joseph why he wants too know why he want too know. “I want know because it was the middle of the night when I realized we were in a graveyard.”

“So you really want to know why we were in a graveyard in the middle of the night in the middle of summer, right?”

“Yes I do son.” Peter said with a nod of the head and with a flick of the wrist Peter made a new tree with out knowing of the spell. Peter looked at the tree with confusion for the tree was not the normal way for a tree. For the tree was not with a brown trunk and green leafs for it had a purple trunk and blue leafs. Then the most unpredictable thing happened. The tree was changing colors when a living thing touched it.

“Did I do that son?!?!?” asked Peter
“Yes you did dad” said Joseph.

When 1 thing happens a result of that action is back at you worse or better. confused confused confused Confused yet?

Prince Sport
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Prince Sport
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