Character Name: Seumas Cian Aulish Username: Kunder of the Lich Title: The Piper of the North, Maybe the Minstrel of the Dragon Lorn Age: 28 Homeland: Kanyk, not Thereta Weapons / Items: Droim, a bodhrán drum which is enchanted to play itself, Giotár, another self playing instrument but is a bouzouki. Feadóg, the self playing tin whistle and lastly Veidhlín, a self playing fiddle. Seumas carries a set of Great Highland and Uilleann bag pipes, depending on what he wishes to play. Carries a varying amount of dirks, and one Falchion. Also, has a nice little amulet, An Easpa Intinn, or the Absence of Minds in Kanykic, which has him have multiple personalities, depending on what is needed. The egos can be seen as his eyes change color and his tattoos will shift. Powers: Talented in music, knowledge of how to play many instruments, knows how to speak/write in many languages, decent with his weapons, knows how to use a needle to mend and patch clothes. Weaknesses: Hates Thereteans with a passion, has problems with his other egos, as his regular self is still conscious, bit too wild at times...also, has a problem with windy days as he always wears a kilt. Strengths: Has a lovely singing voice, is not bashful in the slightest, a good party person, also has a bit of strength from hard days of work in Kanyk and bar fights. Personality: Depending on what ego he is in is what he is like. Fearg (Yellow eyes, blue flame tattoos across his body) is a body of rage, and anger, little thought and aggressive actions. In this ego, Seumas is uncontrollable, and is likely to tear apart most anything in his way, caused by pain or desperation. Shona (Blue eyes, blue woad across his body, with Kanyk proverbs of peace tattooed into the skin.) is the happiest side of Seumas, as he will be loving and very flirty. This ego is bound to do something stupid and very brash. More will be put in with a brief description later when needed. Seumas on average is jovial and rather rough with his word choice, but means it in best intention, as he is not much of a fighter despite such a menacing appearance to most of the civilized world, his tattoo in his regular ego is just blue streaks across his body and blue covering his face. Background: Born into a family that was well of in Kanyk, Seumas was raised like his father, with a sword in his hand, and hate of Thereta in his heart. Although his family had sworn fealty to the kings of Thereta, the truth was far from that, as they had been part of the rebellion 50 years prior. However, Seumas did not want to be a warrior king, like his many times great grandfather, because Seumas did not see that as himself. His brothers were the murderous ones, while Seumas just wanted to please people, and make them merry. His venturing uncle understood this, and with Seumas's father's consent, the uncle took young Seumas about the world, teaching hims etiquette and customs, songs and languages. When he was age 19, Seumas returned home, in his possession old instruments of the past, and a zeal for music. His family, interestingly enough allowed this, but demanded that Seumas work for his stay. For four years, Seumas slaved away in his family's fields before obtaining some wealth, and moving along in his life. Of course, he already obtained his life long friend(s), himself, as he had stolen An Easpa Intinn from his uncle at age 14. Well, Seumas moved on from his family, roving to towns to play for the people. Likes / Dislikes: Likes: Singing, Dancing, playing for crowds, getting wealth to spend, and an occasional bar fight. Dislikes: People from Thereta, windy days, messing up while playing, losing money. Goal: To enjoy music and travels for the rest of his days, and get Kanyk to be its own land. Other:Seumas has a thick Kanyk accent, his accent is very reminiscent of a Scottish accent. Oh yes, he often wears a bear fur to cover his torso.
Kunder of the Lich · Sun Mar 10, 2013 @ 05:49pm · 0 Comments |