As you warily search for a second bomb kit, your hands brush over the edge of Bea's pillowcase. Gasping in surprise you yank off the pillow in triumphance, but instead of a bomb kit you find a book.

This ought to be good....
Entry 1 -- First day!!!!
Dating is for losers!! What's the point of dating things anyways?? It's so lame! :P
Anywayss, this is my new diary!!! My mom said it would help with keeping track of my emotions or something. How silly is that??? Well, at least this dumb thing is purple! That's my favorite color, y'know!
By the way diary, m'name is Beatrice Williams! I'm eleven years old and an only child! You have no idea how boooooring it is being an only kid, not to mention with a dumb ol name like Beatrice!!!!! ): My parents are soooooo old timeey!
Anyways, I'm going to be going to middle school starting tomorrow!! I'm not really nervous since I already know everyone hehe. Besidessss I'm all grown up now!! Grown ups don't get nervous ever. Some kids say they do but they've never met my mom.
It's nearly bed time now, so bye bye journal!! It would be cooler if you could talk.
Entry 2 -- It was okay!
Firsty day was not that great, but it was okay!! The teachers seem pretty nice, but having four different ones seem a little strange. Everyone seems a bit different over the summer, but I guess it's natural!! During lunch all the girls would talk about was the boys. It was reeeeeally boring, so I decided to find someplace else to sit!
Then I spotted Gina and Ian!! Those two have been best friends since like foreverrrrr, and were sitting all by themselves! It was really fun talking to them, hehe. But I felt like we were getting stared at? I wonder whyy!!!
Then someone told me that Gina and Ian might be dating!!!!! :OOO Ashe told me that Gina was suuuuuuper lucky, cause a lot of girls like Ian! I wonder why, he's kinda dull if you ask meeeee~
Entry 3 -- Kissing
It's already been likeee four months into the year!! Wow!! Middle school sure is different, ehehe. It's kind of sad because the boys don't really play with the girls anymore, and usually when I see a girl and a boy together they're doing weird stuff like kissing. Ashe told me that's what boyfriends and girlfriends do!
I wonder if a boy is ever gonna wanna kiss me?
...Hahaha, I doubt it! I'm not really pretty like Ashe or nice like Gina, plus I sweat a ton. Apparently sweating is only for boys! I wonder if I'm actually turning into a boy? Ashe told me I couldn't be cause I have long hair and only boys have short hair!!
I'm never cutting my hair!
Entry 4 -- New kids
I mostly just hang out with Gina and Ian nowadaaays. Luckily they don't do all that weird gooshy stuff so it's not awkward at all! Plus it's suuuuper fun to play hang out with them! Ooh and lately we got some new kids, so they've been playing with us too!
Their names are Red and Sapir! Red has light brown hair and red glasses while Sapir has dark brown hair and blue eyes!! They're total opposites! Red really likes science and Sapir gets super violent in sports. They hate eachother cos they both came in at the same time. The new kid title can only be given to one!!!
Not many people like either one of them. Red gets made fun of a lot and Sapir hits a lot of people. Today I told Red that I thought his name was suuuper cool, a whole ton better than Beatrice!! He got this weeeeird look on his face and got all red and told me that Beatrice was an ok name too. Sapir kind of made a huffy-laugh sound and the two got in a fight again over whether my name was ok or not.
Sapir said that Red's oponion of my name didn't matter and only mine did cos it was my name, and he decided that I could be called Bea instead!! Isn't that a much more cooler name? I told him thanks and he got a weird look on his face too, but then he got kind of mad when Gina and Ian started calling me Bea too.
The new kids are pretty weird, hehe.
Siyaahi · Wed May 22, 2013 @ 12:07am · 0 Comments |