<center>|G|A|I|A| My Drug</center>
Well, I haven't been writing in my journal lately. I'm sorry everyone. D: I've just been stressed and stuff. There's been a lot that's been happening and it's not... Pretteh.
Well anyways, life has been great, I think. Not too sure. My friends have been coming over a lot lately. I suppose that they miss me. I'm pretty glad that they do because I don't get to hang out with many of my friends over the weekend. I just wonder what made them pick this time. I mean, it's DEAD week! I need to study for finals. ;____;
I like the company though. *sigh*
Well, it was so stupid today because Homie wanted me to find his DVD. I borrowed it ages ago and I forgot where I left it. >.< I was trying to look for it but I couldn't find it! I started to stress out over it because I spent 4 hrs writing a paper about the wrong topic! It was worthless, and I fell asleep on my computer. =________=" So I had to try to find his DVD but I still couldn't find it. Then homie was telling me that it's alright and I was like "NO it's not!"
John who was there also said, "aw, suzanne are you alright?" (I looked all pissed) Homie got worried about me... I don't know why but yea... so He just came and gave me a HUGE hug and told me to forget about it. Then everyone was all like "AWW...."
GROUP HUG!!11!!1 *GROUP HUGGLES* I felt so nice after that. *flusters* <3
Another good thing that has been nice was that I got my animation into VO's journal XD I really like how I could see my animation whenever I see his journal now. X3
And I'm sorry I haven't been commenting anyone in the J-whores lately. ;____; I think I'll do that nows.
Thanks for all the comments that everyone has left in my Journal!! *loves you all*