Do you ever just feel numb?
That you don't know exactly what to do, like you're kind of stuck?
I have no idea what I want to do in life. And I'm so tired of doing the same thing every day of my life. Work, sleep, eat, repeat. Not necessarily in that order.
I literally have no friends. Well, a few, but none that I actually care to hang out with 24/7. Mean, I know.
But there hasn't been a single human being who actually makes me feel like I've escaped reality. I want to be with someone and not have to check my phone because I'm bored. I want to be with someone who always keeps me up-to-date with their life, and doesn't just leave me hanging and only talks to me every few months. I want someone who wont forget about me.
I feel like it's a lot to ask for, but then again, I don't. A FRIEND should do those things.
It sucks that those simple things aren't guaranteed these days.
The only thing I can understand is checking my phone, because I know not every single time is there going to be something so super fun to do.
But still, why is asking for a real friend too much to ask for?
Tired of feeling alone :/
A Little Muggle · Tue Nov 03, 2015 @ 08:56pm · 0 Comments |