So all the stars flocked to dirty D-town for the seventeenth annual A-kon in the Adam's Mark Hotel of Dallas. I kinda expected it to be better in some ways and worse in others but here goes...
The ride over was indisputably long. My friend Geoff was there so it wasn't nearly as terrible as going alone to Nacogdoches, but it was still long. We stopped for lunch at this truck stop that was basically a mall and shower facility smushed together (don't worry, the showers were upstairs). We saw fingerless gloves there and so of course I made Geoff buy some. In my car, love is a battlefield circa 1980's, and you better be dressed for the occasion (plus fingerless gloves give you the power of 80's conviction). So we get to the hotel and I drop Geoff off in the lobby so I can go park. People are pretty damn mean because of all the guests, the hotel's garages are of course full, and I get flat out barred from most public parking places. Finally I park in this facility a couple blocks down. I get there and we go up to the room. The room we paid $175 a night for only has one bed (wtf?) so I personally don't plan on renting out space to roomless Renji's and faux-geisha drifters. Cat girls still remain a possibility. wink So I suit up in my BITCHIN Cloud costume that took me forever to make and we go out. I would've had a wig, but there were issues with my friend's ability to...well make a wig that wasn't s**t. The place was huge, so how we found RB still eludes me to this day, but we found her in pirate regalia in the bridge and that was that. The hotel was gigantic, and these inside bridges connected the hotel and convention floor which were across the street from each other and also this huge mall called the Plaza of the Americas. Friday night we peeped into the Kristine Sa concert. She was singin her heart out, but only this circle of fans in her immediate vicinity were actually gettin into it, kind of like a cheer of politeness. I got her to sign my badge after and Geoff told her how he thought she was good despite what the fans were doing. I think the first day was when I bought the Taiko drum plushie, and its probably the awesomest thing ever. It has an expression that works for every situation and it smells like it escaped from a burning factory, which is pretty awesome. In the middle of the night we were drifting about with our Ramune sodas and got into this game of Down by the River with this girl Sooby that led to a very saucy game of truth or dare that I had to go straight truth on to avoid this guy who was hitting on me. eek Very much creepy. It kinda sucks being good-looking at an anime convention 'cause everyone's a bisexual Wiccan goth. >.> Saturday was probably the best day,we walked around and had pow wow's with Geoff and this guy Big Boss and then we met up with Sooby all got hyper on Bawls and went to the Penicillin Nano concert! It was their first North American performance and we were about midway but the people in the back were getting crushed so they wouldn't start the show until we moved back and past our line of people nobody moved much, but it was enough. The music rocked, no one in the band knew english, and people were cheering anyways. Finally the guitarist got up to his mike and said "... ... ... are there any SEXY GIRLS?!?!?!" and that was all it took. The music was loud and fast and probably threw off my heartbeat. The show was ******** AWESOME and after I was pretty much sore all over, so even though we planned on another concert and then the kon dance, we kinda just crashed at 3am. Next day was kinda the blowoff day, being the last day of the con. We lined up for Penicillin Nano autographs and I met the girl who caught his hat when he threw it in the crowd, and if she hadn't been pretty I probably wouldn't have let her walk away with it. We got autographs and I got her to say honto arigato to Hakuei the lead singer but the translator had to help her say that she caught his hat, and his reaction was pretty awesome. After that we got samurai swords on sale for $20 bucks and left. The con was awesome, and the next one will be even better 'cause I'm workin on my Kadaj costume already.
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