HAY LOOK IT'S KEFKA. heart heart
Or the best I could do with a mouse and MSpaint. If the colours look like some random colour-blind child went beserk, ignore them. My computer often messes with the colours so they come out different than I want...
Like, peach on my computer is yellow on others, etc. Annoying.
Anyway. Walking down town, some random kids that appeared to be younger than me (though the one in the car seemed nineteen, wtf) randomly insulted me. Yeah. Wanna know the BEST thing? I couldn't understand a word they freakin' said.
NOTE TO "FELLOW" HUMANS! IF YOU WANNA INSULT ME, DO IT CLEARLY. It doesn't work if I can't understand you.
And, I think my parents DID spray my little garden with their disgusting poison crap. I went to try to find the mint, so I picked a leaf off this one thing. Underneath it was a powdery layer of something... I'm sure it wasn't natural. I only noticed this AFTER I sniffed the leaf.
So knowing my luck I poisoned myself. But I feel fine... For now. Though my right eye is itchy.
Oooh. I also got attacked by flies. For some reason, they like my hair. And my ears. Goddamn bugs. Ick.
heart Though one good thing is that I rented The Matrix Reloaded and The Chronicles of Narnia. Yay.
. . .
Other than that I'm stone bored.
coup DiS grace · Tue Jul 04, 2006 @ 11:50pm · 0 Comments |