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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Okay, so, we had a cyclone approaching the coast last week but when it did finally land, it fizzled out into a low pressure system. Despite that, we still got some crazy gusts of wind and heavy rain. But thankfully, none of us got flooded. The creek by my house rose pretty high the first day but dropped back down the next two days. Apparently it opens to a river that then flows to the sea. I think the first day, it must have been blocked up the drainage end but the council probably unblocked it. So thankfully, the creek was no problem. My siblings were ready to come get me and the cats and bring us to theirs. But it was all good in the end and I didn't have to stress me and the furbabies out trying to catch them and stuff.

They're hanging around waiting for food now. Mackerel and Possy are on the coffee table next to the couch and Chi is up on the back of the couch beside me, biting me whenever I try to pat her. Lol. cat_whee

The first day after the storm was overcast but didn't rain any more and yesterday and today are sunny and mild with nice breezes and cooler temps. About 28C here. So nice! We are winding down from summer and coming into our Fall/Autumn.

The low FODMAPs diet isn't working for me, still. But my dietitian doesn't come back till 24th March so I have to stick it out till I can see her again. I did take photos of my food log and emailed her to tell her how it's going. I hope the hypnotherapy will be a good fix but I'll have to wait and see. I had a good chat with my clinical psychologist, Winifred, last night to update her on how things are going. I am still getting IBS attacks almost every day and almost every food makes me sick. So I'm tired/exhausted many days. But I do have good days here and there, which allows me to catch up on my rp posts or work on characters for said rps, or even make new rp layouts on Google Docs. I still want to do a Gaia Daycare and an orphanage rp here in the Barton Neighborhood. And I'm still loving the Last Sanctuary Gaia RP there as well!

My friend, redfoxgreeneyes13, is pretty active there and so is Shandii. So I'm glad there are still rpers here and they aren't ALL on Discord. I know Discord is good for giving people their freedom without age limits and stuff but I actually prefer Gaia over Discord any day! I love the neatly numbered pages, the avatar speech bubbles, that you can customise the borders, text, add images, gradients, etc. I love that everything is neatly arranged and easy to reread or go back to check something. On Discord you have to scroll upwards endlessly, especially if it's a long rp, or you have to try your luck typing in keywords to search earlier posts to reference something from them. If you forgot to pin it. Or don't have moderator permission to pin it.

I keep Google docs notes on every rp and character anyway, and that's where I type up my replies in case Gaia times out, or to copy and paste in pieces into Discord (annoying word limit!).

Anyway, today is sunny and it's nearing time to wash the cat dishes and feed the fur babies. I just wanted to do a journal entry to update my journal on stuff and because I'm trying to make more Platinum since there are so many things I want to buy and I don't have enough irl money to spend on here. I do still plan to commission Alaina for a piece of Chibi art but the two times I mentioned it to her, she didn't notice or overlooked it. So I'll have to address her with it again.

I can't think of anything else to write about right now so I'll leave it here. See you around.