note- i am not against God, i just dont think he is perfect. and im polytheistic. so please dont take offence to this.
tell me what you think
this is also the main idea of my philosophy paper
The Perfection of God
God, who and what is he? Why and how does he exist? Is he really all good? Why did he create us? And why do we worship him?
These are all questions that people have asked themselves throughout the course of religion. In this paper I will try to tell you the answers to these questions to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.
God is said to be a perfect being, that he is all good and all knowing. I find this to be somewhat difficult to believe. First we need to find the definition of perfection. This can and will differ from person to person, however, there are two basic ideas of perception that pertain to what a perfect being might be.
The first is all good, all light, and all just, purity. That is what most people think of when they think of perfection and God and being perfect, that he would not lie to us. That he rewards the good and punishes the guilty. This is seen mostly in western cultures.
The other idea of perfection is seen mostly in the eastern world and among a lot of America’s youth, questioning the world. In this idea perfection is the balance between good and evil, light and dark. Now a lot of people would argue that this idea only applies to the overall world, while the first idea refers to a being. But, if God is perfect then he should be perfect all around, no matter if it be overall or just one being. His perfection should apply to any definition of perfection no matter what religion or culture the definition comes from, otherwise there is a flaw because the two ideas of perfection contradict each other.
Now, even if we do find a way to unite these two ideas we still have a problem. Lets say that God is all good and that his counterpart, Satan, is the darkness that is equal to God’s light. There is still the problem that God is not balanced, though Satan represents the evil in the world and God represents the good in the world, God is still a separate being from Satan. It does not matter what they represent, what matters is what they are, and Satan is not the same being as God, because if he was then God would have evil in him, and he would lose his perfection.
So thus, there is no way that God is perfect, unless we have the wrong idea of what perfection is. After all, if God is perfect and almighty then he should be able to decide what perfect means, but then he would be able to change the definition at will to be whatever he is, and if he did that then it would upset the order that we have in this world and would create problems, thus he is not perfect. Or the fact that he would be abusing his power would also mean that he is not perfect.
Another reason he is not perfect are his creations. If God is all knowing and just then why did he create us? We are nothing but trouble for him. Shouldn’t we be a reflection of his perfection? We are very flawed, we kill other people, we rape each other, and then we pray to God for forgiveness. We shouldn’t have made those sins in the first place, and then we wouldn’t have to beg for mercy from God. And even those of us that do spend all our time doing good, we still have the ability, the choice, of doing evil, so we are balanced and are not all good, we are not perfect. And the fact that we are so dependent on God must annoy him, so we have another flaw. And the fact that God created Lucifer, who in the end rebelled against God and became evil. If God is all knowing and he created us knowing that some of his creations would choose evil, then why did he create us? Unless we are here for his entertainment, then he is not perfect. Or if it’s because he doesn’t know our destiny and our future actions, then he is not all knowing and is not perfect.
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