Evey Enfernose Birthday: October 14th Age: 23 Appearence: Bio: Evey is an emotional women who is sometimes highly calm and other times kind of outgoing. Her birth mother, whom she calls Mum, died when she was five and her father, whom she calls Daddy, remarried when she was 9 but died about a month after she turned 21. She inherited blue eyes which can change to different shades, half moon shapped pupils, and her fire dragon side from her mother. She inherited her color changing hair, which is usually blue, her lathery blue wings, and her water dragon side from her father. When she was 15, she left home and trained as a ninja of the mist with Kiro Sensei and her friend Kachi. After that she wandered around when she first found the Twilight Pheonix Inn, then moved to the PYRO house with her boyfriend. She married the love of her life, Alkario Enfernose, on February 14th, Valentine's Day. They gained a sone on February 22nd, name Tyler Enfernose. She has three brothers, Taka, Ruka, and Cloud, a best-friend named Foxie, whom she considers a sister, and a brother in law named Rei, whom is married to Taka. She has many hobbies like drawing, singing in the shower, singing period, playing the guitar and saxophone, walking through the forest, flying in the moon light, and hanging out with Alkario and Foxie. Especially Foxie. They do almost everything to gether like singing and dancing. Pets: She has many water pets, such as tigers and birds, and a pet rock named carl
Ruka Aquamino ((Evey's brother)) Birthday: November 12th Age: 19 Appearence: 
Cloud Aquamino ((Evey's brother)) Birthday: June 20th Age: 17 Appearence: 
Taka Kai ((Evey's adopted brother)) Birthday: December 8th Age: 22 Appearence:  Quick Info: Married to Rei
Rei Kai Birthday: October 10th Age: 22 Appearence:  Quick Info: Married to Taka
Kachi Takamino ((Evey's friend)) Birthday: September 15th Age: 21 Appearence: 
Cory Birthday: July 7th Age: 17 Appearence: 
Teime Birthday: September 22nd Age: 23 Appearence:
Hunter Kai Birthday: June 30th Age: 15 Appearence:  Quick Info: Taka and Rei's adopted son
Trace Birthday: April 15th Age: 19 Appearence: 
Lumiere Cachee · Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 01:05am · 2 Comments |