Alright. Fashion show update. BLACKMAIL 101 I swear. Two guys wore paper bags over their had clown sunglasses.....and me.....oh you can't forget me....
Baggy black hat...and the piece of resistance....The Vash Stampede Trench coat. I was roasting in school! I mean ROASTING! I even started to sweat! ACK!!!!! But anyways on a brighter note. School actually rocked! I had fun! I was clingy to my BF though...I dunno why! I just was! Hehehehe!
I don't have anythign to rant about but I must say...NEKO! If I don't get Dew soon.....You're going to pay for drssing me up like that and having little kids stare at me! THE END!
heart Jing-ten
P.S I'm a Banana

(This is an inside joke for those who do not understand XD )
Usagi_Ohagi · Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 08:01pm · 2 Comments |