ok i was driving in my car one night and i saw a shipley's donut was open so i puled over to get some!
when i get in the car i feel alittle hungry so i start to dig into the donuts!
not but 2 minutes later a police man pulls over my car and made sure it was over.
police man: excuse me miss whats you name where you from can i see you licence?
police man:do you know why i pulled you over?
me: yes yes because you could not resist the goody smell of DONUTS! by the way you need to lay off of for awhile!! lol
police man:miss i have a wife and 2 ch......
me:i dont want to know aboout you personal life just give me the dangticket and also get some ax or somethin because when you lift your arms it feels like your really rasing the roof in here!!!
police man: heres your ticket miss have a nice night an....
me: and also get a new hair dew seriously your hair looks like the bac end of a horses a**
police man:.hehe.....bye
me:wwait wats so funny oh well bye bye
and so i went on with my life and when i reached for my donuts they were..

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