I've been ignoring the movie my mom and bro were watching mainly because Rambo does not interest me. Yeah all that blood and gore, like in a war sure there's a reason, but most times...Rambo goes and rips a guy's throat out. Yeeeeah. Don't care for it.
But that's not what's squicking me the most. It's the big old rape party scene. Yes. Because that's what it was. And because I'm not an expert on it, or the particular native culture, I'll ignore making any assumptions about how the native men were portrayed. What actually made me go "ah...wut?" was that Rambo and his pals (supposed to be taking these guys as "all American heroes" or something? is this right?) saved three of the native women, and the white woman. In fact, it seemed to me that Rambo ignored some of the s**t happening to the other two native women being dragged off to god only knows what - to get the other woman to safety.
I know the whole thing about missions: sometimes s**t happens. It goes wrong, you can't save everyone, and you need to do what you can for those you can save but...it's like, those other two women? And let's not even mention the guy that was taken advantage of - or at least that's the way I took that scene - behind closed doors. Behind closed doors? Yet the rape of the women was very publicized and hell, they even ripped their shirts off and exposed their breasts like some ******** joke. Urgh. Major "what the frack am I watching" warring with "make it go away now!!"
I'm not saying female rape is more important than/ male rape doesn't exist. ******** that s**t. It's all horrible. I'm just so tired of the fact apparently women can be tossed about like objects while when it happens to a guy (in anything I've watched so far - which is not admittedly many, I don't go for this sort of thing, I steer clear) he's never completely debased like that. Or it's covered up. Which is more s**t I'm not equipped to deal with.
But yeah. Rambo, such a hero. Two women and a man would disagree with you mate. This whole thing. Just squick. I am not a Rambo fan and with this as my first showing I doubt I will ever be ><
Take that however you want, silent readers. If the internet has taught me anything it is that you surely, surely will.
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