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Livin Large in my Glitter Globe

Community Member
not in the ******** mood
I'm in the foulest mood. Wanna know how my day went?

Well first of all I didn't go to uni because I couldn't be ******** going an hour and a half to uni for a 50 minute lecture, adn tehn an hour and a half home.

Then I didn't get much studying done as it was because I started feeling like s**t.

Then my puppy chewed up the Pound Puppy I was given when I was 3.

Then my I'm on Gaia and I put my Gaia shirt up for sale on the marketplace, and Gaia interprets 11,000 as 11, so some girl buys my shirt for 11 gold, then agrees to sell it back to me for 500 gold, and I send the trade and she never gets back to me. I PMed her over and over, begging and pleading, and being so nice, and she just ignores me.

Then Mum gets home and I've made her this beautiful dinner of charred salmon, baby jacket potatoes, corn on the cob and brocolli, and even though she knew I had dinner for her, she ate out!

I'm so ******** pissed right now it's not funny. Not to mention I have to go to uni for a stupid-arse tutorial tomorrow that I couldn't be ******** going to and probably won't.

so we're stuck with Johnnie again and this is what we get?
Two Saturdays ago was the election for our Aussie Prime Minister. I voted Labour... I so didn't want a nother 4 years of John Howard, or (when he retires soon) Simon Crean. I hate Liberal at the moment... I'm pretty sure most of my generation do too. They've ******** up education, putting my uni fees up, making it harder for kids to get a placement in a uni when they graduate high school, and they're also putting ******** all money into public education, decentralizing it so that, yeah the community have more say in education, but they also have to pay for it... meaning education certainly isn't free anymore.

I'm graduating uni in a year so that I become a Primary School teacher, and I've always vowed I'd teach only in public schools because they get neglected by the government, so they may as well have good teachers that work for the children, not for the money.

So guess what the news just told the nation? We're most likely headed for a recession. Oh gee, great, I never thought I'd see the day at only 20 years old. Bugger.

And Little Johnnie Howard told us we could trust him.

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