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Strawberry Pie Strawberry Pie is basically a small weblog that I'll write in once in awhile, to share my thoughts.. opinions, and other stuff! Comaplints, lovelife, anything like that xD

Raisin Bran
Community Member
First Post!
{waves} Konnichiwa! This is my first journal post, and I just thought I should tell you a little about myself. So, heeere.. we go!
I'm not going to tell you my age, because I don't like talking about that. Ho ho ho. But, otherwise, I really have daaark brown hair {black when wet!} and dark brown eyes. I wear navy blue glasses {Ha ha ha, I'm a dork 3nodding } and very.. nice.. white.. teeth. xD Seriously! Most of the time I'm on the internet, IM'ing people and stuff, roleplaying at the most! I<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> LOVE </a>roleplaying! Message me sometime, and mabye we could have one? I suppose I'm a fairly literal roleplayer. I<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>video games, including Soul Calibur, Harvest Moon, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, 7, 8, Tactics advance, and basically any other one! Although I haven't played any others oO; Ahm, let's continue. Yes, I do play alot of wrestling games, and I'm kind of half-half girly tomboy thing sweatdrop Dance Dance Revolution is always great too! I can't really think of any other games.. so.. let's continue, shall we?
I usually dress in black. Like everybody else. Must wear my chain belt as well! My favorite acessory 3nodding And to all you nosy people, I've never really had a boyfriend >> Just.. friends.. that are guys oO; I had like, mabye.. a few girls who were my friends before homeschool, and 89% were boys xD Okay, if you count internet boyfriends.. But, I was only humoring him. I know, it wasn't right, but in the end.. he was a complete pervert ._.
[p] Neopets? OF COURSE. Neomail me sometime! xD NekoPeach And Caeris are the accounts I usually go on. So, just, stop by, and we can talk a little, no? ^^
[p] Deviant? Ho ho, I<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>that place! rawks whee Wanna go see my art? I'm fairly good, I suppose, but our scanner sucks lollipops, and I don't have a good tablet.. so.. sweatdrop But you could always visit! My account name is RaisinBran, heh heh
[p] Mm, I know, if you do talk to me, I'll be a complete chatter-box. What can I say? It's in my genes. Don't mind my lame jokes either, if I try one on you. Ho ho. Wanna IM me? MSN:: AIM:: Clerith {I think o_o I'm not on this often, because I have to wait till the old computer gets fixed i_i} Yahoo:: FloofehNess {I'm NEVER really on this stare }
[p] That's pretty much it, but if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask! Sayoonara! whee

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