yes... this is the most optimistic song yet of MCR. but... it makes me so tired. I CANT DO IT!!!!! I CANT!!! btw... sorry bout that emotional breakdown... stare ( emo ) i guess i think to much... yes... ignorence is biss... if only i wer ignorent enough... somtimes i even wish that maybe if i wer a vegetable everything will be ok... maybe if i wer "special" i wouldnt notice bad things... but then i wouldnt have awesome friends lik you guys... i prolly wont be listening to this awesome music... i prolly wont understand the meaning behind the words... hell... i still dont think i know the meaning behind the words... i might understand a bit, but i think only MCR will ever know everything behind the songs... because we dont kno them... how can we guess what theyr personalities are??? what if frank is not all fun and games, what if hes the most serious one of the all?!?!?!? would we ever know that!?!?!? NO!!!! and we DONT know all theyr feelings behind the songs... we dont now why they wrote them... well... they can tell us that one day ray or whoever started randomly playing a tune and that turned to a song but we dont kno wat was going thru theyr minds at the moment!!!!!! we dont know what thy wer thinkin about!!!! nomatter what we may never kno wat troubles them the most, wat drove them to think those thoughts. stare im pissed... and im sad... and i hate life... but then again its just prolly a random unexplained mood swing cause by teenage hormones!!! [******** YOU ALL!!!!
MichiZeKiwi · Sun Nov 05, 2006 @ 03:12am · 2 Comments |
this cd... it scares me so much... yet i love it.
it makes me feel so much, its lik the beat of the song is a hammer pounding at my soul, the amazing guitar parts are screaching knives tearing me apart, it makes me want to tell someone... but i know i cant, because i cant change anybody, i cant make sombody else feel wat i feel... its like a string is somehow attached to me, trying to pull everything out of me... and the lyrics reaching in and grabbing my heart... squeezing it dry. it hurts.
it makes me want to cry... makes me think theres no hope...
and then when ur beaten to within an inch of defeat, your resolve returns to you(famous last words), but more scared than ever, not knowing wat is going to happen next. Knowing that here comes the test.
are you going to make it? i feel lik i wont make it... im scared, i dont want to go...
MichiZeKiwi · Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:25pm · 1 Comments |
ah... i cant get over this feeling that somthing is wrong... like i get thoughts thru my head... randomly... lik "omg my life is screwed" or "dammit, something is wrong" where i wasnt even thinkin about that at the moment.... idk... maybe its cuz i saw that movie "butterfly affect" its really weird... like he screws his life around... maybe im just thinkin too much... and listening to certain parts of songs... makes me feel slightly depressed... i wonder wat my uncle felt lik... knowing he was going to die... counting down the days???
MichiZeKiwi · Mon Oct 23, 2006 @ 03:23am · 2 Comments |
yup... i always say jacket sweater hiidie thing... so... now its name is swootie... so i wont get comFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSED!!! anywho... im bored... theres nuthin to do... stare we're making minipizzas... im gonna have it with cheese, meat, mushrooms, onions, sweet peppers and a little bit of finely chopped jalapeño. xp ive already eaten so much crap today... and for desert we have ice cream and pumpkin pie xp today has been a RELLY bad eating day... (and we wer plannin on having apple crisp wih our ice cream too... crying ) obviously nobody is making me eat this ... but... I CANT RESIST!!!! gonk
anywho... crazy thing happened today... i learned my mom's *dundundun* WHOLE NAME!!!! yup... its insane, lookit:
Gina del Carmen Larrea-Suarez de Bennett
it couldnt all fit on her driver's permit rofl and on her pasport they have the whole thing but on her greencard they have
Gina C. Larrea bennett, and on her social security card they have
Gina D. Larrea, u kno... they got confused so they thought "del" was part of her middle name, but it actually means "of" (so its Gina of Carmen Larrea-Suarez of Bennett)
yup... this is some hilarious stuff right here... cuz when she first came here they put her middle name as De, so her middle name was of... and then they wanted to put debennett as one word, but then that would change it completely and it wouldnt be the same as my dad's... cool
MichiZeKiwi · Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 12:09am · 2 Comments |
i hate my sister... i hate myself... u kno id rather have me dead if it werent for u guys?!?!?! i SUCK!!! so bad... even moping about this... so im going to take action... while i still can or ill end up obese!!! so from now on no snacks... i wont have any ice cream tomorrow!!! ill eat slightly smaller portions of food... idk bout exercise... maybe tkd is enuff... but thats wat ill do!!! i hope i hav a good way to constantly remind myself... so i dont unmindedly pick somthin up and eat... i do that alot... its not good... maybe i should just grind my teeth lik u katie!!! anywho... maybe a constrictantly tight bracelet that cuts into my flesh...
MichiZeKiwi · Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 03:59am · 9 Comments |
I LUUUUUUUUV U ALL!!!! IM SO HAPPY U CANT EVEN IMAGINE!!! ALL I HAV TO DO ZTODAY IS STUDY FOR ALGEBRA AND ITS ONLY 5:50!!! IM SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!! crying im on da verge of tears... i survived... i made it... crying
MichiZeKiwi · Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 11:51pm · 2 Comments |
ok ppls... today i went around noon-ish to the latino festival in da blank park zoo. FUN FUN FUN!!! we first went to all da food stands *starts salivating* it smelled GORGEOUS!!! whee whee whee whee whee whee whee whee whee *explodes* yea... we got two BIG plates of ALAMBRE!!! its a taco with beef bacon onions peppers and three different salsas!!!! none wer relly spicy tho... crying anywho.. didnt relly look lik tacos... so there was a huge tortilla covering the whole bottom of da plate... on top they put theyr mixtue of peppers onions meats and da salsas on da side and two small tortillas to da side also... so at first i couldnt relly make out a tortillla on da bottom cuz it was completely covered with stuff... i shared with my mom!! so i had a small tortilla she had a small tortilla then we turned the whole thing into a big burrito!! YUUUMMY!!! after that we decided to hav a raspado *OMG OMG OMG!! I WENT CRAZY WEN I SAW THOSE!!! I MISSED THEM SO MUCH!!!) so i went to orer three but they didnt hav any lechera!!! the ice was just wrong and it was too much!! it also cost three bucks apiece xp a REAL disapointment!!! xp after that we went to walk around da zoo!!! IT TWAS FUUUUN!!!!
*interuption* WTF!!! my mom is chasng my dad around da house!!! u kno where da kitchen opens up to da hallway and living room??? well shess chasing him in a constant circle... and she stops and waits for him to com her way but then he sees her and runs away agaain.... omg... theyr so imature... o.O now she wants me to help her by holding on to his leg... o.O no thanx... im busy here!!! *end interuption*
we went to this exibit where they showed som stuff... yea... thats the best i can explain it... i saw a HUGE scorpion... bright blue... IT KILLED A CRICKET!!!! RIGHT INFRONT OF US!!!!
we also saw HUGE CATFISH!!! well... not one... but lik 6!! AND THEY WER LIK AND WIDE AS ME!!! not as long tho... maybe to my chest high... THERE WAS ALSO AN ALBINO ONE TOO!!! had a special tank of its own... that he shared with wat looked lik piranas... o.O and my mom was lik, stick ur finger in there!!! r they piranas?!?!?? we also saw lik thousands of small little colorful birds!!! *im just happy none of them crapped on me* after that... him... wat did we see... uhmm... we saw a big spider, tarantula... and lizards and poisonous frogs...o.O THEY WER BRIGHT BLUE AND YELLOW AND GREEN AND RED... i think they wer poison dart frogs... o.O OOH!!! forgot to tell ya!!! along with the HUGE catfish we saw a bunch of jellyfish... som wer punsy... lik not even the width of my finger, AND SOM WER RELLY BIG!!! lik UR head katie!!! (no! jk jk!! more lik ur dads!!!)
so after we got out of that special little path... hmm... wat did we see... OOO!!! CUCABARA!!! (sp?) yup... heard them laff too!!!
*interuption* i dont wanna re-write this...so... ill just leave it here and add to it later... so... SEE YA LATER!!! *end interuption*
MichiZeKiwi · Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 02:31am · 4 Comments |
wow... this is sad... T_T |
guess wat??? steve irwen died... yup... that crocodile guy... man... its horrible... he has a family... ive seen them on tv, documentaries and stuf... they looked so happy together... wow... his one little girl... bindi... shes gonna be so depressed... and everyone else who knew him too!!! he died cuz of a sting ray... they wer shooting this one thing... and sting rays arnt really agressive and stuff... so i guess somhow they spooked him and as a natural instinct he lashed out... gues where he got him... right in the heart...
MichiZeKiwi · Mon Sep 04, 2006 @ 10:00pm · 2 Comments |
lalala... bored as hell... |
AGH!!!!! NUTHIN TO DOOOOOOOOOO!!! i already finished my homework on friday lik a good little girl my parents left AND--OMG! MY PARENTS LEFT!!! only my sisters here.. wat should i do...the dishes??? meh...i guess or my mom will get mad...i wanna play with my hair...to see wats passible...meh...wtvr...i always giv up anywayz...hmmm...OMG!!! i havnt precticed da guitar in SOOOOOOOOOO long! gonk I.CANT.GIV.UP!!! scream scream scream anywho... maybe ill play around a bit of makeup... my mom says i cant wear any... only on special ocasions... which for me is seein u guys!!! lik goin out!!! AND DA PARTIES!!!!! heart xd heart i wonder wat red looks lik on me... waddya say if i die my hair??? wat color should it be??? confused nvm... my parents would never let me... emo OMG! ok guys... october 24 is a tuesday... if we could somhow get to bestbuy we could buy da cds!!! its lik 17 somthin or other... so id practically hav to make 20 bucks by then... crying hmmmm.... wat to do... I KNO!!! ill eat an orange!!! xd not relly hungry tho... y do i hav to eat wen im not hungry??? *slaps self* IM NOT GONNA EAT TILL DINNER!!! domokun domokun domokun OH!!! gus... i bought a belt... it doesnt fit me... its too big!!! crying and its soooo awesome!!! so i practically hav to somhow cleanly make different holes for it to work for me... its a medium... any of u guys wanna borrow it??? its the little pyramid thingys on it that hav different sizes on it and idfferent colors... metal colors... gold, silverish, and coperish... ITS A MEDIUM!!!! AND ITS TOO BIG!!! gonk gonk gonk i though itd be too small emo
MichiZeKiwi · Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 06:53pm · 7 Comments |