Topside's Lab Notes |
Being a mad otaku scientist can be frustrating, especially when you have a memory as short as mine! This is kind of my "virtual memory," and also a place to wax poetical, philosophical, or just downright sappy if I want to.
This shall also be whe |
Community Member
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 @ 03:13am
I think I used the wrong potion...
Those of you who were paying attention may have noticed me transform into Afro-Topside a couple months ago. Admittedly, I've been abscent from Gaia since then, and when I got back, my avatar was so in touch with its inner blackness that it had begun listening to 50-Cent. eek
Knowing I had to act quickly before the damage became irrepairable, I grabbed the first white-looking skin potion I could find at ST, and, without fully thinking things through, splashed it on my avi. I was not aware just how... pasty... the results would be. OMG, my avi needs a trip to the beach!
And so, for the time being, I give you... Albino-Topside! sweatdrop Or, given my last experiment, would that be Vitaligo-Topside?
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 @ 01:02pm
First She-Topside, now...
I've been conducting random gene-splicing experiments on myself so as to create a more adaptable body. Last month, a few of you got to see the first results of my experiments - the lovely She-Topside (who, admittedly, is deeply missed - watching those sexy hips sway in the mirror every morning... It makes me all tingly just thinking about it!). While it was fun, around the end of Halloween madness, I began to miss my manhood, so I promptly returned to my normal self.
Recently, I acquired genetic material from oceanic mammals and various other sea creatures, and have begun experimenting quite heavily with my findings. I never did learn to swim, but I've always marveled at the ocean, and so thought of ways I might interact with it more readily. Hence, Aqua-Topside is born! Hopefully my new-found transformation lacks adverse side effects, and, should I decide to return to dry land, proves to be reversible.
We will continue these experiments as new material becomes affordable available. Of course, if you have anything you would like me to test for you, we are always happily accepting your generous donations.
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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 01:29pm
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 04:47am
Progress Report: Some time later...
Indeed, it's been a while since my last progress report... I apologize to any who might actually be following these reports and seeking to aid in my ongoing quest for world otakunization.
So far, a great amount of progress seems to have been made! I've had the pleasure of attending SakuraCon for the last two years now, with the crowds flooding out into the Seattle streets both times. Several previously non-otaku friends have become fast addicts of a few personal favorites. And, on a personal note, I've weaved my way down through Snohomish county and am now living in Everett.
And the signifigance of Everett? It's a large industrial and military center, with a burgeoning fanbase that is practically starving for a true otaku experience. Yes there are manifold comic stores and other such establishments that sell anime. But the real otaku around here have to travel all the way down into King county just to go to a convention, let alone find a nice place to hang with other otaku on the regular.
And so, it occurs to me that such an establishment must be... established... here in the greater Snohomish county area. If it can take root in Everett, all the better. Thus, otakunization efforts can reach foreign businesspeople and the various Naval officers what roam our streets, and, well... You can imagine the rest.
Even as I seek to found such a veritable otaku oasis amid this vast desert of mediocrity, I shall try to be more diligent in bringing you up-to-the-minute progress reports. Please continue your own personal efforts on all fronts. Banzai! ninja
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Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 @ 04:13am
Ack! I missed the Day of the Ninja!
Those of you familiar with my MySpace page will remember the photo of the French Ninjas I had on my profile (until recently, when I changed to a pic of yours truly). That photo was taken about a year ago, on the "Day of the Ninja" (www.ninjaburger.com for more details - a great site!).
One year - and three days ago, to be exact. Yes, sadly, the Day of the Ninja has come and gone... But the Ninja madness isn't over yet!
Calling all Naruto fans, gamers, and collectors! This is your mad otaku scientist speaking! This Friday at 5:30 PST, at the Cardhaus in Lynnwood, the ninja known as Topside will be participating in a Genin-rank Naruto CCG tournament! Ninjas from all over Snohomish county will converge on this site for what promises to be a duel for the ages! So put on your hachigame and bring your best jutsu - and look out, because I'm definitely takin' this one home!
GOOOOOOOOOOO NINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 07:09am
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 08:08pm
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 @ 12:04am
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Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 @ 04:07am