I got my Thank You Letters! whee And today smells like SPRING. So therefore, today must be spring.
Odd Event
On the bus "Bear" sat in a different seat (he usually sits behind me). And then I heard him talking to Nick Riggs. He said something about that gothic person who dyed their hair black. I thought, "Well, at least I'm not fat, prep, dumb, idiotic, ugly, and repulsive like you!" cool lol.
Exciting/Good Event
I got invited to Steph's sleep over/party. The only problem is that the event is going on this weekend, but oh well. I love parties! blaugh
Random Facts About Myself
1. I refuse to believe I'm human (or at least a normal one whee ). 2. I don't believe in the Calendar. When it smells like spring, it's spring. 3. I don't believe in cells or science (logical explanations). 4. I HATE preps. 5. I hate Marissa Gallaway for the way she talks and her ANNOYING LAUGH! She laughs at EVERYTHING Joey and Dylan do. *immatates the loser* "Oh my god! Joey's soooo funny! HeeeHeee *deep breath* *choke* Heee Heee Haaaa!" STHU Marissa! scream