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Hi^^ I'm Sukiyumi. I'm a proud, hyperactive Canadian. I hate spelling so don't correct me in spelling at all XP. Well anyways, I love being with friends, meeting new people, visiting new places, music, random things, and a little bit upsessed about punk/sporty guys XD. Yeah...XD In my entries, I'm pretty much talking about Random things XD Hope you read it? XD XP

Lady abernathy
Community Member
A Taste Of Asia(street fest. next 2 Pacfic mall)swearn' here
It was awful domokun gonk exclaim exclaim I hated it...even though I went yesterday. there were these dumb a**** around me during the live show. It was like awful!. . . the guy infront of me is so freakin old and he's so !!##%)&*^*$*%!@&#%)!$#^@ *inhales and exhales* . . . .%!%& wink $&^%#)^&#)%!$&^%(*^ stupid and tall!!! I told him like 5 times to move and he's like mad rolleyes and I'm like scream stressed stressed stressed stressed stressed stressed gonk crying scream scream scream scream stare xp stare scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream and in my head i went: f*** you!!!!!! Everytime I tried to look at the stage he would block my view. I felt like BASHING his head and torturing him to DEATH! So I wtach the show and this boring half bald guy goes on stage and he starts this like 15minute speech in chinese to introduce these monks. After he was done, he repeated evry single FREAKEN LINE in English. Some funny guys were like "yo! Someone throw a waterbottle at him!(this was the only thing said in english)" I was like good job smile All of a sudden these 100% funny grannies were like "let's boo him off stage!" I went lol and then this cutish guy is centimeters away and I was talking in my head and I was like "dang, he's good looking, why can't my school have hot guys like him,and shoot! His earings are so freaking hot!(two earlob piercings and one on the cartiage)." The baldish guy appeared again and he was booed so bad he forgot his lines xD (poor guy)...So I started to enjoy the show when one on the freakish nerdish camera "jerk"left (he one one of the guys at front...I was was at the front untill these stupid tall people came infront of me near the front when all of a sudden this girl about my height (5'3ish) comes infront of me with her "Barbie lenght hair" and starts acting "cool"(fliping and "puffing" her hair. On top of that she looks years younger than me. I'm like O.O?""""""""""""""""""""""" she kept moving around and I'm went rolleyes f*** you little b****. Ok, they finally make it to the "area with the seats". I whispered "thank-you lord" and then all of a sudden her little sister stands up on a chair (they were giving prizes to who ever had there hand up highest...dunno why) and I'm like scream you farking retard move already! All of a sudden my mom told us to leave. My dad went question I went crying "It was just getting good!" my brother was like who cares. Apparently my mom got fed up over the "barbie girl's" father cause he kept on rubbing his big fat stomach againt my mom (which is like 100% perverted). Then my brother and I just talked about who we wanted to bash most. In my mind I still want the cute guy's earings...they were small thick black hoops with "diamond like" material. It looked so cute and hot. . . . I think I'm becomeing an earing freak. xD

PS.> It was fun xD, we had watermellon after! smile It was heaven xD
PSS. Wish> Yes Piercings are so hot!!!!! smile xd