OMG so right now I am going out wuth this 16yr old and well...he had to move like a week after we started going out but he lived my me for like 1 month b4 he moved anywho and b4 he left we promised each otehr that we wouldent cheat on anyone and well...there is this guy that i think is really hot and we are in a play together and well....i think the kid that i think is hot hates me cuz well....hes like a constant downer lol (like charlie the unicorn) haha sorry I was thinking 2 my self lol AND my bestfriend domnic liked me for like . . . . well b4 me and bret started going out and well i just like him as like a bestfriend but he keeps asking my friends to ask me how much I like him and yea its confusing lol blaugh question question xd cool sweatdrop xp talk2hand pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate dramallama