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I think, therefore I am.

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Skyscraper Opera Report | 01/06/2010 4:13 pm
Skyscraper Opera
Hello, this may seem a bit random, but I see you like Versailles O:

If you don't mind, maybe you could give me a vote on my Teru avi in the arena this week? Thanks for your time >__<~!
SourPatchPandas Report | 11/17/2009 3:53 pm
RainbowOnHigh Report | 11/08/2008 8:12 am
hello ^^
Namida Kogomeru Report | 07/16/2008 7:21 pm
Namida Kogomeru
Threesome @w@ D18 69 is my new favorite pairing xD And I am organizing my photobucket Account for when you come back! lol, so much Hibirdy and Rokudork >w<

lololol, I must meet them >: D

I'm obsessed with the Music Box version of Sakura Addiction at the moment xD
Namida Kogomeru Report | 07/15/2008 9:08 pm
Namida Kogomeru
Gah, baka-eyebrow! *Whacks you on head* I'm lonely though... *Waits for chapter 202 of KHR*

The yaoi fangirls know about me, neeeee? *Question* They should since I started your obsession!

And I found a pretty little DinoxHibarixMukuro doujin @w@
Namida Kogomeru Report | 07/13/2008 12:26 am
Namida Kogomeru
Gah, where are youuuuuuu?! You never call me, uke-chan!

nnd we have fans and supporters+ a contest for the bad guys lolita @w@ (And other, but this is the extremely short version of my melancholy since you left ;-User Image
yukisundeadprincess Report | 07/12/2008 3:51 pm
ok, hi im sending a friend request cause i searched in interest and you like fruits basket so yeah
skater san Report | 05/16/2008 4:35 pm
skater san
ARGH!!! My parents are making me go to the mall!!! WAHHH! I DONT WANT TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Namida Kogomeru Report | 04/05/2008 4:38 pm
Namida Kogomeru
You hould be ashamed, Megananium! (Yes, that is how your name is spelled :3) Now write about Anri and eat spaghetti through your nose as a punishment!
xxConcreteKissxx Report | 03/29/2008 8:37 am
copy/paste this to 10 ppl then prees f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me


The less people that like me, the less people I have to like.


People who are regretting coming here

blunt to fakie

Please put me on you r page and help me on my way to World Domination!