Hey sup im worstnightmare5010 umm hhmm were do i start about me oh im a female duh oh yea sports hockey but im pretty girly but im not really good at playin girl sports um im up with being friends with both sex altho boys sorry but im taken sorry and i been datin him for 2 and a half years so were going pretty far and happy together but i been told im a loyal and good friend so and um im a lot of things and labels depends on the person what their opinion of what a sertain type of label is and ya um im pretty girly im texting, worrin bout what im wearing,shopping the whole load down um idk if u got any questions ask because even if u knew me people change with life so dont be a scared to ask oh and im a compete music freak and i think life can be a pain in the a** but im flat on my feet know where im going and who i am and u cant bring me down now oh like i said dont be scared to ask questions im a unpredictable girl any ways so ya ok thanks
this looks like me in a way

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