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My Head Is Made Up Of Memories
Most Of Them Useless


Girl | UK | Music Addict | In Love with Him <3

My family, friends and boyfriend mean the absolute world to me. Thank you for being you and being with me. Check out my Interests to know a bit more.

I'm quite headstrong in the way that I love to express my opinions and I strive for speeches and debates at any opportunity. The power of words and lyrics never fail to astound me; to me, analysing means overanalysing!

As you may have noticed, blink 182 is a huge part of my life. Yes, I've got all the albums, DVDs, tapes even, a lot of posters and T-Shirts. No, I don't claim to be their biggest fan ever and stalk the band at every opportunity I may get. They've influenced me, a LOT, but I don't live by them and have hobbies of my own.

I think I'm explaining myself to myself here more than I'm explaining myself to you, if that makes sense. But I don't think anyone's really going to read this, like the Chuck Lorre Productions small print bit after The Big Bang Theory: they're funny and meaningful, but I wonder if anyone takes the time to read it apart from myself sometimes.

Balance is a delicate thing and although precise scales are something I've yet to have acquired, I'm doing allright smile

"On that note, I'm going to go change my T-Shirt and my personality..."


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Panic Pirate Report | 09/30/2009 10:37 am
Panic Pirate
CONGRATULATIONS!!! biggrin biggrin
Are you going to post your happy news on here or is it staying, as they say, 'on the down low'?

AAAH I think it's absolutely gorgeous ^_^
I'm so happy for you!

You comment back now! razz
Panic Pirate Report | 07/30/2009 12:35 pm
Panic Pirate
Why hello my colourful friend...
What more news have you that I may overanalyse along with you?
(I'll have you know, my name actually means "analysis" razz )
I really, really hope everything works out for you this summer and pretty much the rest of your life!
Sunafire Report | 07/23/2009 5:34 am
I love it too biggrin
I'm going to go see it tommorow.

I don't care if it's good or bad, I love the books so I'll just love it.

I reckon the people who don't like it are the people who have never read the books xD
Sunafire Report | 07/07/2009 5:09 am
I admit i'm a bit of a facebook whore as well.
But there's always time to do both biggrin

And you'll get used to Gaia; and get addicted soon enough.

It's just THE place to be biggrin
Well maybe...

I've totally forgotten what else you said so maybe I'll leave it here.
Sunafire Report | 07/04/2009 2:19 pm
I wanted to leave a comment after checking out your profile.
Firstly, a high five for the UK.
A high five for having AMAZING music taste; (E.g. Blink 182, Counting Crows & Radiohead = Amazing bands, and the rest)
A high five for being in love.

And just generally you seem like a brilliant person.
Do I sound obsessed? Maybe.

And for the mention of overusing emoticons which I read somewhere, I do that too to express myself in text!

Friends please? smile
Starshinebelle Report | 07/02/2009 4:39 am
Just wanted to say hi
got your message in the bottle and had to check your profile
Very cool
enjoy your summer smile
x-Asthenia-x Report | 06/28/2009 10:56 am
"I vanted to giv ze baby a traditional African name"
"So what did you name him?"
Hahaaa no you're a bone fide sex offender allright!
I'm goning to see blink this summer!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
I had to get plane tickets to New York but I've been saving up and it is SO worth it!!! Panic and FOB are gonna be there!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA
(I'll stop making you jealous and depressed now)
Panic Pirate Report | 06/27/2009 10:53 am
Panic Pirate
"Vassup!" xd
AAAAh!! the Trailer looks hilarious! Gutted Bruno's an 18 sad (hahaaa, no age clues here...) but I;d probably cringe most of the way anyways.
I could get a pirate [no pun intended] copy and watch it as far away possible from my parents.
Watching Sacha Baron Cohen movies with your parents will be one of the most awkward moments of your youth. Seriously. No matter how cool they are
Aww thanks for the nice comments on my poetry biggrin MJ's passing still hasn't sunk in fully for me, how's about you?
And now that I'm convinced you're not a sex offender creepo, how do I convince you I'M not....? Hahaa jokes razz
Panic Pirate Report | 06/22/2009 11:29 am
Panic Pirate
HAHAA were you trying to say p e d o f i l e? xd
I'm sure you're perfectly safe to talk to and I should have no worries at all...

*hurriedly background checks Asthenia*

It's ME you should be scared about! bwah hah hah razz
Panic Pirate Report | 06/20/2009 5:12 am
Panic Pirate
You're not alone anymore smile
You're awesome from your profile! (I swear we could be twins with our interests!!)
That Tom DeLonge quote @ the bottom of your About section makes me smile everytime xd




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