Hello all the name is itaku obichi aka shikamaru. An orphan at birth, adopted by the legendary Obichi clan, a secret clan that is known for it's medical prowess and their military power. During the first great war my clan was in the background helping konoha succeed in the victories. At the age of 12 Itaku went through the passive ritual of the artificial demon, another secret the clan possessed. A painful process but worth it, I received the black wolf demon Kagekami. As time went on Lord Orochimaru used my power for his own experiments however i broke away and fled to konoha, my home town now. It was a struggle to get in but after i let them in on Orochimaru's hideout and scheme, they took me in as one of their own. Now here i am today a ninja in konoha.....
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I just wish you can post~
Use your Meowth to capture a Pichu.
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