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Messenger of the Legion

Messenger of the Legion's avatar

Last Login: 12/11/2016 7:02 pm

Registered: 04/24/2008

Birthday: 08/03/1992


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I Like Trains!


Well for starters,my name is William,Zack,VGM,Zephyr,Number 15,and MercenarY. William is my first name given to me at birth. The rest came from video game achievments in random tournements around the globe . . . or just in America. I am slightly patriotic in the sense of going for a troops. I really don't like war,fighting is necesary,but war isn't. To make that last statment worse,I like to fight and shoot guns. Another thing about me is that I'm a super mega awesome ninja. The ninja life is prety cool. It does get dull after ahile though. It's not like it used to be back in the day. Getting hired by kings to assasanate other kings,now that was to good old times. Even though I wasn't around back then. I'm also a VGM,and if you dont know,that means Video Game Master. I have recieved that title after pwning people epicaly in games I've never played before. It takes away the boring parts of the day as well. Also I've done achieved so much by the age of 16 that I don't know what to do with the rest of my life. But I will figure something out though,so don't worry about me. I like killing zombies as well. Sure they keep saying that they're about to go extinct,but hey,that's a very good thing. Actually,If there were no zombies,how could Resident Evil exist,HOW COULD LEON S. KENNEDY EXIST . . . in the end I'm glad zombies exist. But where are my manners. My dream is to one day meet that one special person face to face,the way my parents did and their parents did,all the way back till before blind dates and the internet. Then finnally my life motto.I got my motto from the Halo 3 soundtrack,which I bought cause I love Halo 3. "Living in the past is a luxery none of us can afford.We must learn from it,but we cannot live there.It is impossible to plan for the now - the present is ever fleeting.The future is where we must live.The future is what we must plan for." But enough about me,If you have time leave a comment.


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My Super Mega Awesome Ninja Adeventures

My adventures as a ninja.These events happen when im on missions with my squad known widely as the Super Mega Awesome Squad.


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QueenAlyssofWonderland2 Report | 01/12/2014 2:11 pm
I love you doll heart
beastmastr19 Report | 08/08/2012 10:04 am
Happy Birthday, Zack!
The Painted Flower Report | 03/28/2012 9:26 pm
The Painted Flower
thanks for buying <3
Master_Hydro Report | 11/13/2011 4:39 pm
added my profiles in your guild. I'm totally stealing your idea for profiles too rofl


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