Viewing Atyr Raxia's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


In real life, my name's Myriem. I've got basically everything in me from Israeli to Italian. I'm a pre-law student at Wayne State University (majoring in Philosophy and Political Science, and minoring in Criminal Justice) in Detroit, Michigan. Biologically, I'm a girl but that's never stopped me from having a little fun. I am not, however, lesbian. Or bi-. Or even straight for that matter. I just am.
In real life I'm also a fashionista with a thing for organics. I'm vegan not just because I chose to be humane but also because I don't believe my body was made to consume animal products. As long as you're not scarving down a cheeseburger in front of me, I don't care what you choose to eat so you don't have to worry about that.
Speaking of not caring, I don't care about anything. Okay, I lied. I care about my loved ones and my personal well-being, but it ends there. You may be wondering why I want to be a lawyer if I don't really care about the world and all its lovely inhabitants. Well, the answer is simple. Being a lawyer, I believe, is a very rewarding job both financially and spiritually. I want to eventually have a family and I need to be able to provide for them. Also, I want to give people a fair chance at living a happy life. Not because I care about each and every person in the world individually, but because when I do something that amazing for a person, I feel great. I said before I'm a bit of a fashionista but that's not because I like receiving compliments on how damn hot I always look. I like looking hot because, again, it makes me feel great. And at the end of the day, I'm the only person really worth pleasing so that's a good enough reason for me. But anyways, like I said, I care about my loved ones. I'll do anything to protect them physically and emotionally. As cliché as this sounds, my friends are everything to me.
As far as interests go, well, just read these Top Five lists:
Top Five Movies:
5. I Am Sam
4. The Others
3. Valkyrie
2. Fight Club
1. Donnie Darko
Top Five TV Shows:
5. America's Next Top Model
4. American Idol
3. That 70's Show
2. The Office
1. Parks and Recreation
]Top Five Books:
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
4. Madame Bovary
3. Fight Club
2. Invisible Monsters
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Before I list my tops for music, let me warn you that my taste in music is very, very broad. Also, notice some of my favorite songs are not by my favorite artists.
Top Five Artists:
5. Lady GaGa
4. Jason Mraz
3. System of a Down
2. The Beatles
1. Serj Tankian
Top Five Songs:
5. Paper Gangsta - Lady GaGa
4. Day N Nite - Kid Cudi
3. Crazier - Taylor Swift
2. Empty Walls (Acoustic) - Serj Tankian
1. Across The Universe - The Beatles
Top Five Ways To Unwind:
5. Take bubble bath
4. Listen to music
3. Capture beautiful moments with my Rebel
2. Cardio, cardio, cardio, followed by strength training
1. Write my thoughts in a notebook that will one day be published

On Gaia I'm Atyr Raxia. My username comes from the word ataraxia. According to Wikipedia, Ataraxia (Ἀταραξία) is a Greek term used by Pyrrho and Epicurus for a limpid state, characterized by freedom from worry or any other preoccupation.
If you're looking for me in the forums, I'll probably be at F&S or WG. I'm relatively new to Gaia and have gold-spending issues. I've been quite indecisive when it comes to my avatar so I've wasted tons and tons of gold trying out new looks. I don't really worry much about gold anyways because I'm here to waste my time on forums, not to "purchase" pixels with imaginary currency.

Okay, this is getting way too long so I'll wrap it up.
This is me wrapping it up:
Add me as a friend! Leave a comment! I don't bite (unless you're into that...)
Much love!


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Viewing 8 of 8 comments.

Cookiie Doo

Report | 05/04/2009 6:01 am

Cookiie Doo

Thank you very mcuh!
Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

Report | 02/12/2009 1:18 pm

Naitomea Hitsugi Fan


Report | 02/12/2009 12:34 pm


bc im on the internet on my phone and it wont let me open pms D: you dnt have AIM or MSN? Oh im Courtney btw. You can try pm-ing me but if i dnt respond, thts why

Report | 02/12/2009 12:24 pm


Hiya! If you wana IM me on AIM im ooostaticxooo, im on right now if you wana talk <3
Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

Report | 02/12/2009 11:20 am

Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

I bet...
Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

Report | 02/12/2009 11:17 am

Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

Being bored
Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

Report | 02/12/2009 11:10 am

Naitomea Hitsugi Fan

hey whats up
Rainboo Treats

Report | 02/12/2009 10:45 am

Rainboo Treats

Hai there! Welcome to Gaia! >w<