I'm English, but I live, and go to university in America. I'm a theatre major, because I want to teach theatre at uni, when I've finished finding out how to do just that. I just picked up a psychology minor, because I think the mind is a very interesting place that we don't know enough about, and psychology may help me to understand how my students minds work, and then manipulate them...MWA HA HA HAAAA!!!I also love to read, I mainly read a seires of books called Discworld books, by Terry pratchett. He is one of my idols. He cleverly parodies just about everything in our own world and comes up with comic fantasy...It's so cool. I also find myself reading a lot of plays these days...Let's see, some playwrights I consider to be genius' are...No matter how much I may hate some of his plays and love others, Shakespeare...And Tennesee Williams (The Glass managerie, and A Streetcar Named Desire rock!!!), and even though I have only read one Pirandelo play, it really made an impact on me...It was Six Characters in Search of an Author, and it's a brilliant play. Put it this way, anyone who is bold enough to make fun of himself in the form of a play is, in Fugard's word's "a man of magnitude".
I also do my own writing, and my own art. I write poetry, lyrics, short stories, and I have even attempted to write my own plays. I haven't gotten far yet, because I have uni work to do...
I draw just about anything, but when it comes to painting, I like to paint anime characters, and fantasy things. I only recently became comfortable with working with paint. Paint and I used to have a love hate relationship, but I believe that hate has been extinguished, probably by my A Level art teachers, before I moved to America.
There, now you know my life story, it's up to you to decide whether or not I am intriguing enough to be your friend.
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