Viewing Suicides Love Story's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello! You can call me Darla smile I'm Korean and I live in Incheon, South Korea. I lived in Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia before. My dad is a dentist and my mom is a high school teacher in Incheon, Korea. I'm a senior at the Korean high school, not same as my mom's school (thank God). I love meeting new people. I love drawing and I especially love writing stories. My dream is to become an anchor or a teacher someday! smile If you have any questions about me, just comment and I'll reply you back!

By the way, I had an account here on Gaia before, but I lost my password to it. I joined Gaiaonline July 2005. But I quit around February 2006. I missed you GAIA! smile

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Right now, I'm a part-time model. I love being in front of the camera, posing for advertisements such as clothes and any types of products except bathroom related stuff!


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 07/04/2009 2:39 am


aww thank you so much for the comment and rating and everything on that savers pic in the arena biggrin *hugglewuggles*

Report | 05/07/2009 6:43 pm


D< If that were to happen to me [someone stole my pictures] inner non-existant ghetto-ness would come out! =B

*clings* Another TOP fan! Huzzah! I have to say, out of the people I've met/my friends, you're one of the few other TOP fans. [Which is odd b/c TOP is technically one of the favorites.]

Report | 05/07/2009 9:05 am


No need to thank you silly--it's the truth. ^^

Dx Ew. I hate it when people do that.'s really annoying and pathetic.

Report | 05/05/2009 7:24 pm


* a comment of the random sort*

Smoo was about to say [after seeing your pictures] that you looked like a model. Then she saw where you said you were a part-time model. xD Smoo had a phail moment, and thought she would share it. ^^

Blood Ciel

Report | 05/01/2009 5:54 pm

Blood Ciel

That's why it's fun to tease the noobs HAHAHAHA
jkjk XD
Blood Ciel

Report | 04/30/2009 4:20 pm

Blood Ciel

LYKE 0MFG I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

. ___ .

you know you can do that too right if you had the current profile? 0_0
Blood Ciel

Report | 04/23/2009 3:07 pm

Blood Ciel

you look beautiful!! ^__^
Blood Ciel

Report | 04/23/2009 3:00 pm

Blood Ciel

고마워 렉시 >__<;;
Pan Troglodytes

Report | 04/23/2009 7:53 am

Pan Troglodytes

Lovely pictures! You certainly make do for a model >.<
You said you draw, are you thinking about opening up a shop?


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